Sunday, September 14, 2008

Proper 20 A: Focus and Purpose

NB: There is a new updated 2023 version of this blog with heaps more resources. See archive at left.

Bible Readings: Exodus 16:2-15, Psalm 105:1-6,37-45, Philippians 1:21-30, Matthew 20:1-16 Theme: Focus and Purpose About the image: Microsoft free image with my text. Discussion questions: How does God help us cope with the uncomfortable things in our lives? How does God give us hope and strength each other. Story: The Greyhound Races Found in Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks by Wayne Rice, Youth Specialties, 1994, ISBN 0310402611, page 106 (pictured in an earlier blog). This illustrates Paul's words about purpose. Story: Last Supper Story 2 Found in Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks by Wayne Rice, Youth Specialties, 1994, ISBN 0310402611, page 162 (pictured in an earlier blog). This illustrates Paul's words about focus. Reading: Letter From a Communist Found in in Illustrations, Stories and Quotes to Hang Your Message On by Jim Burns and Greg McKinnon, Gospel Light, 1997,ISBN 0830718834, page 105 (pictured in an early blog). This story challenges our committment. Response Activity: Ask or project: What would you have to change in your lifestyle and in the way you deal with the harder parts of your life in order to live the life God has called you to? Give out business cards with the words from Psalm 105:3-4: Be glad that we belong to God. Go to God for help. Seek God's presence continually.


  1. Anonymous6:50 am

    Great Focus image and thanks for your Blog!

  2. Anonymous9:07 pm

    Hi Ann,

    Love the blog.

    have adapted a few bits and pieces for my oldies... thanks.

    Marg G
