Sunday, October 19, 2008

Proper 25 A (October 26): Being at Home with God

There is an 2023 updated version of this post - see archive at left.

Bible readings: Deuteronomy 34:1-12, Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17, 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8, Matthew 22:34-46 Theme: Being at Home with God About the image: Microsoft clipart and my text. Quote: Robert Frost "Home is where when you go there they have to take you in." Found in Death of a Hired Man. Drama: We are a Family Found in Let's Make a Scene Too by Verena Johnson, Lutheran Publishing House, 1991, ISBN 085910608X, page 31 (pictured at left). A drama about not being at home with God. Poem: The Real Problem By Adrian Plass in Clearing Away the Rubbish, Minstral, 1988, ISBN 1854240250, page 142 (pictured at right). A poem about not being at home with each other. Story: Sharing the Gospel Found at the following address: Type the name of the author, Cecil Northcott, into Find to find the story. Response Activity: Give each person a small folded card (six fitted on an A4 for me) with two empty frames printed on the inside. Reassure everybody that this is an activity between themselves and God - that no one will see what they write or draw. Ask people to write or draw their public image in the left hand frame, and the real person in the right hand frame. Play some nice thinking music while they are doing this. To conclude, either pray a prayer about committing/giving all of ourselves to God and/or challenge people to put their cards in with their offering as an act of commitment. NB. Sorry there's not as much stuff here this week - I am to be ordained next Sunday so my head is in another place entirely :-)


  1. Anonymous6:47 pm

    Prayers for your ordination, and for this week of preparation.

    God continue to guide and bless your ministry.



  2. Ann,
    Your site is such a blessing to me. I will be lifting you up in prayer this week as your mind is on your upcoming ordination.
    Grace and peace,
    Pastor David

  3. Ann--
    Congratulations on your ordination.
    Thank you for what you post for worship resources. I always check to see your ideas!
    Peace and grace to you!
    Beth K. In North Carolina, USA

  4. Anonymous4:34 am

    Many Blessings as you prepare this week for your ordination! Your ministry is indeed a blessing.

    Grace and Peace,

  5. Blessings on your ordination. You are a blessing to those of us who depend on your blog.

  6. Anonymous9:09 am

    Indeed, blessings on your ordination. Clearly God's loving hand has been laid on your for leadership. Now it's time for your community to have the chance to catch up.

  7. I was ordained in August, and I can appreciate your feelings. Congratulations, and thanks so much for your ministry. I always check your blog for ideas as I develop my sermon and service each week. Grace and peace to you!

  8. Congratulations on your ordination! I was just ordained in August, so I can appreciate what you're feeling. I always check your blog when I am preparing my weekly sermons and services. Thank you for your ministry--it is reaching farther than you might imagine! Grace and peace to you, sister.

  9. Anonymous9:04 am

    Congratulations Ann. Thank you for your ministry and I will lift you up in prayer as you approach your ordination.
    Karen in Lindsay, California

  10. Anonymous11:26 pm

    Congratulations Ann on a great site and on your ordination. God's blessings on the next part of the journey,

    Rev Matt
    (Griffith Uniting Church, NSW)
