Sunday, December 04, 2016

Advent 3 A (December 11): Healing and Transformation

Note: There is an updated 2022 version of this post with more stuff

Bible Readings: Isaiah 35:1-10, Psalm 146:5-10 or Luke 1;46-55, James 5:7-10, Matthew 11:2-11

About the Images:
Upper left:
This is a microsoft free clipart image with text from the Isaiah reading.
Upper right:
It never ceases to amaze me how the prickly, brittle and dry Australian bush can be transformed at certain times of the year by the most amazingly beautiful flowers. I took this photo near Kangaroo Valley in New South Wales. It is a drumstick flower which grows on a rather spiky large bush. Feel free to use this photo as you wish.
Lower left: This image comes from the excellent Church Galleries site (see my link in the below left column).
Lower Right:  This is a Microsoft free clipart image onto which I added the words from Luke 1:50.

Listening Song: Flowing Over Me
by Derri Daugherty on Flap Your Wings, Resolve Records, 2000 (pictured at right). This song matches in beautifully with the Isaiah reading.

Kid's Story: The Race
By Christobel Mattingly and Anne Spudvilas, Scholastic, 1995, ISBN 1863882251 (pictured at left). This goes well with the Isaiah reading.

Film Clip: The Mission
Depending on time either show or describe the scene between Father Gabriel and Rodrigo Mendoza in the monastery cell. Then show Mendoza's epic struggle to get to the mission ending when the Indian releases Mendoza's burden (pictured at right). This too fits in well with the Isaiah reading.

Film Clip: An Unexpected Christmas
And if you are doing anything at all about angels, this New Zealand film clip is just brilliant (providing you can translate beforehand  "shipherd" and  "pisant" :)

Litany: Among the Poor
From Cloth for the Cradle by Wild Goose Worship Group, Wild Goose Publications, 1997, ISBN 1901557014, page 31 (pictured at left).

Meditation: The Magnificat
From Cloth for the Cradle by Wild Goose Worship Group, Wild Goose Publications, 1997, ISBN 1901557014, page 45 (pictured at left). This, of course, fits in well with the Luke reading.

Intercession: Pinning Our Hopes on Jesus (i)
From Cloth for the Cradle by Wild Goose Worship Group, Wild Goose Publications, 1997, ISBN 1901557014, page 54-55 (pictured at left).

Response Activity:
Give everyone a green leaf made of cardboard or paper and a pen and have an advent wreath somewhere in your worship space with a pile of nappy (diaper) pins beside it. Explain that God calls us to be part of the healing and transformation of others. Ask: How are we doing that? How can we do this specifically in some practical way this Christmas? Write what you think you can do on the leaf and attach it to the Advent wreath. Pick up a pin and return to your seat and hold it as the above  intercession is prayed. (If you used the pins this last week I would advice against using them this week!)


Meditation: Bread
Found in Meditations from the Iona Community by Ian Reid, Wild Goose Publications, Trowbridge, 1998, ISBN 1901557022, page 80. This goes well with the gospel reading.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the Unexpected Christmas clip. That will feature at this week's Messy Church. They won't be expecting that!
