Sunday, May 05, 2019

Proper 9 C (July 07): Travelling light/Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things

There is a 2022 version of this blog with lots more resources - see my archive at left

Bible Readings: 2 Kings 5:1-14, Psalm 30, Galatians 6:1-16, Luke 10:1-11,16-20.

About the images:
Upper Left:
This comes from the Hermano Leon free clip art site (see my link at left) and fits in beautifully with the gospel reading.
Upper Right:
This photo above was taken at 8:30 one night at a sand bagging depot for a local flood a few years back; it was freezing cold, very windy, and drizzling but this little girl begged her Mum "just one more bag" each time they finished filling one - an extraordinary effort.
Middle Left:  A free Microsoft image that exemplifies ordinary people do extraordinary things.
Middle Right: This image comes from the awesome Church Galleries website which was decimated by hackers last year. At present it is possible to buy these images very cheaply - however this particular one is free on the site this week.  Well worth the subscription!!! Visit the website at
Lower Left: Another Hermano Leon free image. 

Kid's Story: Giraffes Can't Dance
By Giles Andreae and Guy Parker-Rees, Orchard Books, 2000, ISBN 1841215651 (pictured at right). a lovely story about a giraffe who thought he could not dance but learns to dance beautifully. This goes very well with the gospel reading. 
 Film Clip: The Long Walk Home
(pictured at left) Miriam Thompson is a proper Southern lady, wife to a socially ambitious husband. Odessa Cotter is Miriam's black housekeeper. They both know their place - and they both speak out and change their society forever. There are heaps of good clips in this movie that exemplify ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

Film Clip: Willow
(pictured at right)  Show the clip where Willow is given a job he does not think he is capable of doing.

Discussion: Willow
1. When have you felt like Willow - not up to what you think God is asking you to do?
2. What is of help when you feel like this?

 Story: The Little Girl and the Piano
Found in Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks by Wayne Rice, Youth Specialties, 1994, ISBN 0310402611, page 143 (pictured at left). A story that shows that with help we can all do extraordinary things.

Story: Sharing Faith: Unknown Soldiers
Found in The New Century Version Youth Bible, Word, 1991, ISBN 0849909252, page 1022 (pictured at right). This story goes well with the Gospel reading.

Quote: Helmut Theilicke
A church is in a bad way when it banishes laughter from the sanctuary and leaves it to the cabaret, the night club and the toastmasters.

Discussion: On the 2 Kings Reading
Divide your congregation into five groups. Each group will represent one of the following characters in the story: the slave girl, Naaman's wife, Elisha's servants, Naaman, the King of Israel.
Ask each group to discuss the following questions:
1. Describe the person according to their accepted job role.
2. How has this/these persons acted out of character.

Adult Response:
saw this done once somewhere with a business card sized sketch of a candle but I used real candles and small tubes of glitter glue which you can write with. Ask people to write on their candle the name of someone that in the world's eyes is quite insignificant but who has helped them on their faith journey. On the other side write what they think God is calling them to do despite their feelings of inadequacy.  Encourage people to take home their candles and light them regularly as an aid to prayer.


Meditation: Sharing Burdens
Found in Meditations from the Iona Community by Ian Reid, Wild Goose Publications, Trowbridge, 1998, ISBN 1901557022, page 77 (pictured at left). This goes well with the Galatians reading.

Worship Activity: The Consequence of Worship
By Jim Burns and Robin Dugall in Worship Experiences, Gospel Light, 1999, ISBN, 0830724044, page 83 (pictured at right).  This is based on the Galatians reading.

Kids: The Last Great Missionaries
Found in Party On Together by Beth Barnett and Dr Keith Dyer, Scripture Union, 2010, page 72 (pictured at left). This is based on the Gospel reading. This resource is also available in electronic form through the Baptist Union of Victoria website, where it can be copied freely for non-commercial use. 

Service Outline: Harvest Gatherers
Based on gospel reading this is found in The All-Age Service Annual Volume 4, published by Scripture Union, 2010, ISBN 9781844275199, page 66 (pictured at right). 

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