Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Christ the King B (November 21): Who IS in charge?


Bible readings: 2 Samuel 23:1-7, Psalm 132: 1-12 (13-18), Revelation 1:4-8, John 18:33-37

About the Images:
Upper Right and Left and Lower Right: 
All three images are Microsoft free clipart with my text added.
Middle Left: This comes free from a site called Scripture Pics which seems to have disappeared.
Middle Right: This comes, with permission, from the site of one of my favourite artists of all time, James B Janknegt.  If you want to use this image please visit his awesome site and ask for permission for yourself:
Lower Left:  This is a free image from Heartlight.  See my link column on the left.

Listening Song: For the Glory of Your Name
By Michelle Tumes on her album, Very Best of Michelle Tumes
 (pictured at left) or on WOW 2000.  This song matches in well with all of the readings for today.

Film Clip: Chariots of Fire
Show the clip in the film (pictured at left) where Eric Liddell talks with the Prince of Wales en route to the Olympic Games. Eric had a God space in his week that he was not prepared to give up. His allegiance to Jesus and his heavenly kingdom was more important than his allegiance to King and country. This clip is a little long but.....

Discussion Questions:
1. What are Eric's top priorities?
2. Who or what do we give our allegiance to?
Don't let this discussion degenerate into an argument about a particular day.  Concentrate on encouraging people to talk about God spaces.

Story: The Kingdom of God
Story No 363 in 750 Engaging illustrations by Craig Brian Larson and Leadership Journal, Baker books, 2002, ISBN 0801091551 (pictured at left). I used this story with the 1 Samuel reading.

Sermon Help Notes and Response Activity: Revelation by Song
Give everyone a strip of paper with the words of Revelation I:8 printed across it. Under these words, print three pictures entitled as follows:
Picture 1: a cradle and the words "who is"
Picture 2: a spider and the words "who was"
Picture 3: music notes and the words: "who is to come".  
1. The God who Is.
Sing Rock a Bye Baby together. Note that the song does not say "if" but "when the bough breaks". Life is full of surprises - not all of them good - but God is acting and moving in our world. Ask them to talk to the person next to them about how they see God at work in the world today.
2. The God Who Was.
Ask people to sing Ipsy Whipsy Spider together. Note that the song is very like human kind - we repeat our mistakes as nations, as communities, as families and 
as individuals but we keep plugging away. And "out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain". God repeatedly over history heals, restores, loves and forgives us.
3. The God who is to come
Sing the hymn "Joyful, joyful we adore you" to Beethoven's Ode To Joy. Note that because God is yet to come, the way we live makes a difference.
I couldn't remember where I got this idea from - but a reader has suggested
Homiletics, November 23, 1997 (see comments for Christ the King Sunday 2009). Thankyou

Adult Response
In verse 6 of the Revelation reading we are all called to be ministers. Ask people:
In order to be a minister, where do you need God the most:
healing your past,
with you in your present,
or being your future?
Fold your strip of paper in three so that the one you need is uppermost and take it home that way.

Prayer: Multi-Sensory Prayer:

There are some useful bits for this Sunday in 
in Multi- Sensory Church by Sue Wallace, Scripture Union, 2002, ISBN 1859996671, page 15 (pictured at left).

A Now For Something Completely Different:
 A Short Taize Style service.

Decorate your communion table with pieces of white and gold material and cover it all with heaps of small lit tea lights. For the service have an opening prayer only and maybe a song or two. Then have about a half an hour of reflective music which suits the Bible readings - I used music from The Prayer Cycle by Jonathan Elias (pictured at right), Immortal Memory by Lisa Gerard and Patrick Cassidy(pictured at left), an untitled album by Doros (pictured at right), and A Feather on the Breath of God by Hildegaard of Bingen (pictured at left). At the same time I projected Christ the King images - about thirty in all timed for a minute each. I gave each person an envelope filled with the bible readings and relevant quotes - about 20 in all. People could then chose to read some or all of the quotes, watch the pictures, listen to the music, watch the candles or do a mixture of all. I finished the service with the prayer for others , another song and a blessing. 


For Children and Families: God is Faithful
Found in Rewind by Beth Barnett, SUVictoria, 2011, ISBN987098710035, navigate from page 5 (pictured at right). This is based on the gospel reading. 

Beautiful Illustrations of John's Gospel  connected to the Australian Outback
Found in The Gospel According to John Illuminated by Fiona Pfennigwerth, Tien Wah Press, Singapore, 2013, ISBN 9780646912462, page 54-59 (pictured at left).

Drama: What is Truth
Found in Mega Drama 4 by Verena Johnson (ed.) Open Book, 2002, ISBN 0959109186, page 12 (pictured at left). This drama fits with the gospel reading.

Poem: King Jesus
Found in The Electric Bible by Peter Dainty, Kevin Mayhew, 2003, ISBN 1844170411, page 94 and based on the gospel reading. 

Poem and Painting: The Politics of Pilate
Found in A Bloke Called Jesus by Pro Hart and Norman Habel, Rigby, 1982, ISBN 0 7270 1758 6, page 34. These are based on the John reading. 

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