Monday, January 22, 2024

Epiphany 4 B (January 28): Power and Authority



ible Readings:
 Deuteronomy 18:15-20, Psalm 111, 1 Corinthians 8:1-13, Mark 1:21-28

About the Images:
Upper Left: Lake Tyers beach early in the morning, East Gippsland, Australia ( Nothing like a stormy sunrise to remind you of God's power and authority. This is my  photo - so feel free to use it for worship and related activities.
Upper Right: A compilation of microsoft free clipart.
Middle  Left: This is the first line of a lovely Aussie Hymn by Elizabeth J. Smith (Together in Song 188)  which I think goes really well with ideas of God's creative power. The image of the Simpson desert French line is mine so please feel free to use it for worship and related activities. For more info on the Simpson Desert please visit
Middle Right and Lower Left:  These images both come from the Heartlight site - see my link column at left. 
Lower Right: The synagogue in Capernaum - the remains of the synagogue Jesus preached in are the dark stones at the base of the 3rd century building ruins.  These are both my images so please feel free to use them for worship and related activities. If you would like to use the two images separately, please email me and I will email them to you.  
Bottom Left: This is a free Cerezo Barredo image based on the gospel reading. 

Listening Song: Healing Rain 
By Michael W Smi
th on his album, Healing Rain, or on WOW 2006 (pictured at left). This song goes nicely with the gospel reading.

Kids Story: Where the Wild ThingAre
by Maurice Sendak, Randon House, 1963 (pictured at right).This story fits in very well with the gospel reading,

Image: ThScream by Edvard Munch. 
Great picture portraying the demon of loneliness, 
social isolation etc etc.

Film Cli
p: Arthur and the Invisibles
There is a great clip when Art
hur has his 10th birthday which portrays the demon of parental neglect.

Discussion: Arthur and the Invisibles
1. What makes Arthur really sad?
2. What happens when we are hurt badly by something someone does or says to us?
3. As Christians, how can we cope?

Drama: Not Everyone Knows This
Found in Mega Drama 3, Verena Johnson (ed), Openbook 2002,ISBN 0859109178 (v.3) page 34 (pictured at right)This drama is based on the Corinthians reading.

Quote: Etty Hillesum
My battles are fought out inside with my own demons (from An Interrupted Life)

Quote: Frederick Buechner
God does not give us neat answers, he gives us himself.

Quote; Frederick Buechner

It suddenly dawned on them that their wildest dreams hadn't been half wild enough.

Story: Sarah Windchester's Story 
Found in In 
thEye of the Storm by Max Lucado, Word, 1991, pp. 193-195 (pictured at left). A good example of the demon of guilt.

Story: Aristotle's Claims
Find this story at under the heading Wisdom. This story makes a good contrast with Jesus' authority in the gospel reading.

Story: Jesus Walks His Talk
This story is found at under the heading Need for Godly Leaders but I like my title better :-)

Story: No One Stops Them Ringing Their Bells 
This story is found at when you type "Alexander Solzhenitsyn" in Find. It is about the meaning of authority. This story is actually embedded in this site in a sermon on the Corinthians reading.

Adult response:
Give everyone a piece of paper and a pencil. Ask: What is bothering you most? Is their something specific in your life or is there someone you love who needs the healing touch of Jesus? What ever it is, write it down on the piece of paper and lay it at the foot of the cross to signify that you want Jesus to have the authority from now on in that situation from now on.


Creative Ideas: Moses: The Pattern of a Prophet

Found in Multi-Sensory Prophets by Mike Law, Scripture Union, 2007, ISBN 9781844272587, page 7 (pictured at left) . This is based on the Deuteronomy reading.

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