Sunday, March 16, 2025

Lent 5 C (April 06): Looking to the Future/There is a Pool in the Desert/What Really Matters


Bible readings: Isaiah 43:16-21, Psalm 126, Philippians 3:4b-14, John 12:1-11

About the Images:

Upper Left and Right: I thought these photos went well with the "rivers in a dry land" bit of Isaiah. The top one is Glen Helen Gorge near Alice Springs, Northern Territory and the lower image is the Murchison river near Kalbarri in Western Australia. For more info on Glen Helen Gorge visit and for more info on the Murchison River area visit http://en.wikipedia.or/wiki/Murchison_River_(Western_Australia) These images are both mine so please feel free to use them for worship or related church activities. 
Middle Left: This is a free Microsoft clipart which I thought when very well with the Psalm reading about dreaming.
Middle Right: This image comes from the awesome Church Galleries website - this particular one is free on the site this week.  This site is not in operation at the present time.
Lower Left: A free Microsoft image which goes well with the Psalm.
Lower Right: Healing Water!  My pic from behind Binderee Falls in the Victorian High Country.  Please feel free to use it for worship or related church activities.  
Bottom Left: Another free image from the Misioneros Del Sagrado Corazón en el Perú.

Worship Space: Decor 
Have lots of incense and aromatic oil lamps burning (as long as there is not a vulnerable asthmatic or two in your congregation - it is worth checking first).

Listening Song: Because You Loved Me

By Celine Dion on her album, All The Way: A Decade of Song, EMI (pictured at left). This goes well with the gospel reading.

Listening Song: Flowing Over Me
by Derri Daugherty on his album, Flap Your Wings, Resolve Records, 2000 (pictured at right). This goes well with the Isaiah reading.

Listening Song: Psalm 126: Men who Dream
By Sons of Korah on their album, Redemption Songs.(pictured at left) 

Prayer of Confession.
Found in Eggs and Ashes by Ruth Burgess and Chris Polhill (Eds.)l, Wild Goose Publications, 2004, ISBN 1901557871, page 107
 (pictured at right)

Film Clip: Moulin Rouge
Start approximately one minute in - with the words "Paris 1900". End at approximately at 2:15 minutes as Christian types the words "Moulin Rouge". 

Drama: Get Your Perfumes Here
Found in Mega Drama 1 by Verena Johnson (Ed.), Open Book, 2001, ISBN 0859109151, page 68 (pictured at right). This drama is based on the gospel reading.

Discussion: On Get Your Perfumes Here and Moulin Rouge Film Clip.
What really matters to the people in the drama and in the film clip?
What do you think really matters?

Film Clip: The Legend of Bagger Vance  
(pictured at left) This works well with the Isaiah reading if you are talking about looking backwards and forwards, God doing new things and God making a way for us. The scene is found at the end of Chapter 13 or around 1hr 35 minutes in. In the scene Junuh goes to retrieve a golf ball from a wooded area and ends when his caddie, Bagger, promises to be with him always.

Discussion: The Legend of Bagger Vance.
1. What does Junuh have to do to play good golf?
2. Who does Junuh have to trust?
3. Why do people often tend to look backwards instead of forwards when things get tough?

Film Clip: The Merton Prayer
This comes from The Work of the People site -an excellent site with a relatively cheap subscription rate. See my link column at left.

Drama: What Really Matters.
Word up a few people to be interviewed as one of the other characters in the story. To prepare their part just ask them to read the story and any other gospel story which involves their character. During the service walk to where each character is sitting and ask them what they thought about the whole incident. People to be interviewed: Martha, Lazarus, Judas


When has someone's generous act surprised you? 

Discussion: Philippians Reading.
What really matters to Paul?
What things really matter so much to us that they can shift Jesus our of the centre of our attention?
What did Paul give?
What is the most important thing that we can give?

Story: A Diet For Losers. 

Found in More Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks by Wayne Rice, Zondervan, 1995, ISBN 0310207681, page 21 (pictured at left). This story goes well with the Philippians reading.

Story: Giving

Story No. 238 found in 750 Engaging Illustrations by Craig Brian Larson and Leadership Journal, Baker Books, 2002, ISBN 0801091551 (pictured at right). This story goes well with the gospel reading.
Story: Ragman.

Found in Ragman and Other Cries of Faith by Walter Wangerin Jr, Spire, 1984, ISBN 0340592729, page 3 (pictured at left). This is a great Easter story and could really be used any time in the next couple of weeks.

Group Activity:
Divide into six working groups - double up or even triple for a large congregation.
Each of the six groups takes on one character or group of characters
out of the gospel story.
1. Martha: serving
2. Lazarus: listening, being a friend
3. Mary: something extravagant and special
4. Judas: more concerned about money than the action
5. People in verse 9: trying to find out more
6. Chief priests: eradicate the problem.
Ask each group to discuss the following questions:
a. What is/are your subjects doing?
b. What do they think of Jesus?
c. How do they show how they feel about Jesus?
d. What really matters to them?
Ask each group to report back - give them a few alternate ways (and the materials to do so) of doing this - a poster, a short speech, a song etc etc.

Response Activity: Goes with Group Activity Above.

Have a gift box full of small sachets of bath salts and give everyone a sachet. As they hold it, smell it, feel it, ask them which group they fit into. Maybe they are already serving God like Martha, maybe they are hanging around Jesus like Lazarus, maybe they have things they want to give like Mary, maybe, like Judas, other things are getting in the way, maybe like the crowd, they are still searching, maybe like the chief priests, they feel uncomfortable in God's presence. Whatever - encourage them to take the salts home and as they relax and use them, encourage them to have a chat with God about their relationship with God.
NB. I put the kids in the Mary discussion group and they made the sachets while they talked- however the sachets are not hard to make beforehand.
3 parts Epsom salts
2 Baking Soda
1 Table salt or borax
Food dye - as you want - the colour makes it look a bit more spiffy.
Scented oil - as you like - according to your nose.
Mix in a large bowl with your hands - you'll smell good for days!
Each person only needs a few tablespoons of bath salts for a bath (and water, of course :-) ).

Response Activity:

Have a gift box lying open at the foot of a cross. Give everyone a pencil and a piece of paper. Give them some thinking time while they consider and pray about their response to Jesus - project some ideas eg., spending more time with him like Mary, doing something for him like Martha, listening to him like Lazarus, rearranging priorities like Paul. Whatever they discover as they listen to God, encourage them to write it down and put it in the gift box.

Response Activity for the Isaiah reading:
Give everyone a small beach or river pebble - the sort that look pretty dull out of water but have lovely colours show up when they are wet (opal tailings are brilliant for this but other pebbles will do). Have a clear bowl of water out the front. Encourage people to hold their pebble and think of things that are desert like or wilderness like in their lives. Ask them to pray about these things and, when they are ready, bring out their pebble and drop it in to the bowl of water. Just as the water transforms the pebbles so God transforms our deserts and wildernesses and does a new thing.


Prayers and Poems: while you are here

Found in Dad and Daughter by Ron Gordon and Jennie Gordon, 2012, ISBN 9780646586601, page 147 (pictured at left).

Response Activity: You have poor people with you always
Found in Bringing the Word To Life Together: Year C by Andrew Collis and Dorothy McRae-McMahon, Mediacom, Adelaide, 2012, ISBN 9781921945083, page 56ff (pictured at right). This works well with all the gospel reading.

Lots of Useful Stuff

Found in The Abingdon Creative Preaching Annual 2016 by Jenee Woodard (Ed.), Abingdon Press, Nashville, 2015, page 51ff (pictured at left). These ideas are based on all of the readings. 

Opening and Closing Responses for Lent
By Ruth Burgess and Chris Polhill in Eggs and Ashes, Wild Goose Publications, 2004, page 86-88 - two to choose from. 

Poem: I Owed Him One  
By Ruth Burgess and Chris Polhill in Eggs and Ashes, Wild Goose Publications, 2004, page 147 (pictured above). 

Meditation or Bones of a sermon: The Judas and Mary in Us  
By Ruth Burgess and Chris Polhill in Eggs and Ashes, Wild Goose Publications, 2004, page 149 (pictured above). 

Lots of Useful Stuff: Fragrant Worship
Found in Multi-Sensory Together by Ian Birkinshaw, Scripture Union,2005, ISBN 1844271641, page 43.  Based on the John reading.

Drama: Peanuts or the Prize
Found in Mega Drama 5 by Verena Johnson, (Ed.), Open Book, 2002, ISBN 0859109194, page 48. This drama is based on the Philippians reading.

Meditation: Disciples of Christ
Found in Present on Earth by Wild Goose Worship Group, Wild Goose Publications, 2002, ISBN 0 901557 64 2, page 76ff.  This is based on the John reading.

Meditation: Women on the Way
Found in Present on Earth by Wild Goose Worship Group, Wild Goose Publications, 2002, ISBN 0 901557 64 2, page 145ff.  This is based on the John reading.

Meditation: You Will Not Always Have Me
Found in Present on Earth by Wild Goose Worship Group, Wild Goose Publications, 2002, ISBN 0 901557 64 2, page 155ff.  This is based on the John reading.

Poem and Painting: The Love of Mary
Found in A Bloke Called Jesus by Pro Hart and Norman Habel, Rigby, 1982, ISBN 0 7270 1758 6, page 26. These are based on the John reading. 

Prayer: Perfume
Found in Multi-Sensory Prayer by Sue Wallace, Scripture Union, 2001, ISBN 1859994652, page 55 and based on the John reading.

Reflection and Prayer: 
Found in Advent Readings from Iona by Brian Woodcock and Jan Sutch Pickard, Wild Goose Publications, 2005, ISBN 1901557332 . These are based on the Isaiah reading and found under the heading: December 2 - I know these are reflections for Advent but they are lovely and so often adapt to other times of the year as well, 


Lent 4 C (March 30): Unlimited Love/Welcome Home


Bible Readings: Joshua 5:9-12, Psalm 32, 2 Corinthians 5:16-21, Luke 15:1-3, 11-32

About the images:
Upper Left: 
This image comes from
Upper Right:
 Abandoned cars in the Australian Outback are a bit like the Prodigal son. They sit there for years and then some car enthusiast comes along, takes them away and lovingly restores them to their former glory. The odd thing is that sometimes out in the outback you see the other son too. It is the car that looks all shiny and new on the outside but is pretty much wrecked on the inside. Even worse - sometimes there is nothing at all under the bonnet.

Middle Left: This image comes from the awesome Church Galleries website. This site is down at the moment.
Middle Right and Lower Right: Free images from the Hermano Leon site. See my link column at left.
Lower Left and Bottom Left: A free image from the Heartlight site. See my link column at left.

Listening Song: Always Have, Always Will
By Avalon on their album, In a Different Light or on WOW 2001 (pictured at right). This goes well with the gospel reading.

Listening Song: Prodigal Son
By Steve Grace on his album, Children of the Western World (pictured at left). Obviously this fits well with the gospel reading :)

Kids' Story: Candelo
One hundred years ago, Candelo, New South Wales, was a major wagon stop between the Monaro high country and the coastal shipping ports. The town's river crossing could be disastrous for heavily loaded wagons because river levels and the sandy river bottom were forever changing and there were often patches of quick sand. Crossing the river was particularly dangerous towards evening and in the dark. The town and bullockies together devised a system whereby when the bullockies arrived at the last rise before the town they would shout out candle-o. In response, the whole town would run down to the river with lights and line the sides of the safest place to cross and thus guide the bullock wagons safely into town for the night.
Link this story with the way we leave a veranda light on when we are expecting visitors and the way God is always waiting with anticipation to welcome us.

Film Clip: Martian Child
I used the trailer for this film (2007 and pictured at right) which is readily available on the web and which has a great line linked with the gospel reading for this week.

Discussion: Martian Child
 "There's nothing you can do that will make me change the way I feel about you"
1. How would you feel if someone said that to you?

2. Do you think God says that to us? Why?

Film Clip: The Prodigal Son
BY Aussie Brick Films - brilliant

Drama: The Prodigal's Mum

Ask a mum of adult children to read the parable through a few times before the service and ask her to put herself into the role of the prodigal son's mother. This works better than having a script.
During the service an interviewer asks her the following questions:
1. Who are you?
2. Your family has been in the news lately. What's the real story here?
3. What a drop kick of a son!! I bet you and your husband gave him the rounds of the kitchen when he came skulking back home?
4. So you followed your husband out to greet him!!!??? But at a more decorous pace as befitted a woman of your standing.
5. So what was with the party? Who threw that for him?
6. What a wonderful family! I suppose his older brother was just as pleased as you both were?
7. Well, did you finally convince him?
c. Ann Scull - permission given for use in worship.

Drama: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
 No longer, then, do we judge anyone by human standards.
 We don't?
 Even if at one time we judged Christ according to human standards, we no longer do so.
 What's made the difference?
 When anyone is joined to Christ, he is a new being;........
 A new being? A new being? Can I be a new being too?
 ..............the old is gone, the new has come.

2: Who could possibly make me into a new being?
 All this is done by God, who through Christ changed us from enemies into his friends............
 It'd be great to have God as a friend!
 .............and gave us the task of making others his friends also.
2: So this isn't something I keep to myself, then?
 Our message is that God was making all people his friends through Christ.

2: What about if people think they're not quite good enough to be God's friends?
 God did not keep an account of their sins,..........
 That's a relief!
 ................ and he has given us the message which tells how he makes them his friends.
 Here we are, then, speaking for Christ, as though God himself were making his appeal through us.
 It is a serious responsibility which we have been given.
 We plead on Christ's behalf:........
 So what should we actually say?
 ............let God change you from enemies into his friends!

 Christ was without sin, but for our sake God made him share our sin in order that in union with him we might share the righteousness of God.

C. Rosemary Broadstock and Ann Scull - permission given for use in worship.

Sermon: The Welcoming Church
Found at A call to church communities to be like the welcoming father in the parable.

Illustration: The Flushpools. 

Read about the Flushpools in Adrian Plass's Sacred Diary quadrilogy (Volume 1 pictured at left) and you will find a modern example of the older brother from the Prodigal son story (and wet yourself laughing! - these are very, very funny books which help us to truthfully reflect on what it is to be a follower of Jesus today).

Story: Sheep 

Found at
This story goes with the gospel reading.

Story: The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming
By Henri J.M. Nouwen, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1994, ISBN 023252078X. There is lots of useful stuff in this book but I found the Prologue very helpful for this weeks preaching (pictured at right).

Poem/Meditation: Listen To What God Is Saying To Us.
By Henri J. M. Nouwen and found in Imaging the Word Volume 1 (pictured at left) by Kenneth T. Lawrence (ed.), United Church Press, 1994, ISBN 0829809716, page 165. I projected these words with multiple images of art works of the prodigal son story. There are plenty of free images of this story on the web. While the slides played through I backed them with the following piece of music: Monastery of Rabida by Vangelis on his album, Reprise (pictured at right).

Quote: Meister Eckhardt
We search for God in a far country while God waits for us at home.

Response Activity

Time of silence.
Ask in the silence with spaces between each question or statement:
Are you like the older or the younger son?
What is the message and the challenge of the parable for you?
Allow the Holy Spirit to read your heart and speak to you.

Time of silence.
NB: I have used these questions more than once over the years. Sometimes it does not hurt to use something more than once; because, at various times in our lives we will be like the younger son and at other times we will be more like the older son.

Response Activity:
Put out as many postcard size pictures, advertising cards, whatever as you can find - I put mine around the communion table and I tried to put out about ten for every person present so that there were heaps to chose from (I am an avid collector of cards etc). I projected the following questions and left people to it for about five minutes.

  • Choose a picture that represents the Good News of this parable for you.
  • Choose a picture that represents the challenge of this parable for you.
  • As you choose, allow the Holy Spirit to read your heart and to speak to you.
At the end, encourage people to share their cards in groups of three and to share the reason why they chose the cards they did. I concluded this activity with the Nouwen poem/meditation above.


Listening Song: Forgiven
By Sons of Korah on their album, Redemption Songs.  This song uses the words of Psalm 32(pictured at left).

Prayers and Poems: Prodigal
Found in Dad and Daughter by Ron Gordon and Jennie Gordon, 2012, ISBN 9780646586601, page 146 (pictured at right).

Response Activity: Love is a Relationship

Found in Bringing the Word To Life Together: Year C by Andrew Collis and Dorothy McRae-McMahon, Mediacom, Adelaide, 2012, ISBN 9781921945083, page 54ff (pictured at left). This works well with all the gospel reading.

Lots of Useful Stuff
Found in The Abingdon Creative Preaching Annual 2016 by Jenee Woodard (Ed.), Abingdon Press, Nashville, 2015, page 46ff. These ideas are based on all of the readings.

Story Plus Other Stuff: Wally the Dodgy Trolley

Found in Wally the Dodgy Trolley and other Stories of Faith and Humour by Ian Johnson, Scripture Union Australia, Lidcombe, 2000, ISBN 0949720984, page 5.

Kids: Way Home
By Libby Hathorn, Random House,  with lots of ideas for a whole worship service found in Worship is For Everyone by Julie Pinazza, Openbook Publishers, 2000, ISBN 0859109259, page 29. This goes well with the Luke reading.

Kids: Oi Get Off Our Train
By John Burningham, Random House,  with lots of ideas for a whole worship service found in Worship is For Everyone by Julie Pinazza, Openbook Publishers, 2000, ISBN 0859109259, page 42. This goes well with the Corinthians reading.

Kids: The Day My Father Danced Again
By Gordon Lee Chambers and Alison Kubbos, Box Press,  with lots of ideas for a whole worship service found in Worship is For Everyone by Julie Pinazza, Openbook Publishers, 2000, ISBN 0859109259, page 52. This goes well with the Corinthians and the Luke reading.

All Sorts of Useful Stuff: Missing Persons
By Ian Birkinshaw in Multi-Sensory Parables, Scripture Union, 2006, ISBN 9781844272310, page 20.  This is based on the Gospel. 

Opening and Closing Responses for Lent
By Ruth Burgess and Chris Polhill in Eggs and Ashes, Wild Goose Publications, 2004, page 84. 

Service Sample: The Welcome Home Barbeque
Found in Party On Together by Beth Barnett and Dr Keith Dyer, Scripture Union, 2010, page 46. This is based on the Gospel reading. This resource is also available in electronic form through the Baptist Union of Victoria website, where it can be copied freely for non-commercial use. 

Hope for the Rebel
Found in Party On Together by Beth Barnett and Dr Keith Dyer, Scripture Union, 2010, page 100. This is based on the Gospel reading. 

Drama: What Kind of Father
A humourous drama based on the gospel and found in Let's Make a Scene by Verena Johnson, Open Book Publishers, 1995, page 44.

Drama: Right Under My Nose
The Luke's gospel prodigal tells his own story;  found in Let's Make a Scene by Verena Johnson, Open Book Publishers, 1995, page 47.

Drama: Who, Me?
Found in Let's Make a Scene Too by Verena Johnson, Lutheran Publishing House, 1991, ISBN 085910608X, page 41 and based on the gospel reading. 

Drama: New For Old
Found in Lets make Another Scene by Verena Johnson, Open Book, 1995, ISBN 0859107620, page 21 (pictured at right). This drama is useful for the 2 Corinthians reading.

Drama: Eagles Wings
Found in Mega Drama 5 by Verena Johnson, (Ed.), Open Book, 2002, ISBN 0859109194, page 44. This drama is based on the 2 Corinthians reading.

Prayer/Action: Past, Future, Living in the Now
Found  in Going Home Another Way by Neil Paynter, Wild Goose Publications, 2008,pages 123 and based on the 12 Corinthians reading.  

Exegesis: Luke 15:11-42
Found in The Poet and the Peasant by Kenneth E Bailey, Eerdmans, 1883, pages 158ff. 

Drama: Lost Sons
Found in From Advent to Emmaus by Jim Hayward, page 100 (pictured at right). This book is available in Print and Digital PDF versions, is based on Luke's gospel and is ideal for Lectionary Year C. For more information and/or to buy, visit the CMLA website -