Bible readings: Exodus 12:1-14, Psalm 149, Romans 13:8-14, Matthew 18:15-20
About the Image:
Upper Left: This is a free image from the Hermano Leon site - see my links column at left.
Upper Right: This is a free Imagebank image from their excellent, although slightly disorganised, site. See my link column at left.
Middle Left and Right: This is a free Heartlight image from their site which you can access through my links column at left.
Lower Left: The Palestinian side of the 8 metre high Separation Wall. This is my image so please feel free to use for worship and related activities.
Lower Right: This is a free Heartlight image - see my link column on the left.
Listening Song: Just Like You
By Keb Mo on his album, Just Like You (pictured at left).This goes well with the gospel reading.
Call to Worship: All God's People
Found in Crafts For Creative Worship by Jan Brind and Tessa Wilkinson, Canturbury Press, 2009, page 205 (pictured at right). This goes well with the Romans reading.
Drama: N
o Thumping Whatsoever
Found in Mega Drama 2 by Verena Johnson (Ed.), Open Book, 2001, ISBN 085910916Xv2, page 21 (pictured at left). This drama is based on the gospel reading.
Film Clip: The Day is Near
This goes really well with the Romans reading - it's from the Work of the People (see more excellent clips from their site which you can find via my links column - the clips cost but they are well worth it)

By Keb Mo on his album, Just Like You (pictured at left).This goes well with the gospel reading.
Call to Worship: All God's People

Found in Crafts For Creative Worship by Jan Brind and Tessa Wilkinson, Canturbury Press, 2009, page 205 (pictured at right). This goes well with the Romans reading.
Drama: N

Found in Mega Drama 2 by Verena Johnson (Ed.), Open Book, 2001, ISBN 085910916Xv2, page 21 (pictured at left). This drama is based on the gospel reading.
Film Clip: The Day is Near
This goes really well with the Romans reading - it's from the Work of the People (see more excellent clips from their site which you can find via my links column - the clips cost but they are well worth it)
Story: Don't Hire a Hit Man
Found in Could Someone Wake Me up Before I Drool on the Desk by Kevin Johnson, Bethany House Publishers, 1995, ISBN 1556614160, page 49 (pictured at right). This is based on the gospel reading.
After reading the Romans reading and the gospel reading, divide into groups to discuss together and make a list together of the means by which a Christian community can live in harmony.
Quote: Do It Anyway
Probably written originally by Dr Kent M. Keith and adapted by Mother Teresa. Find the original and the adapted words at http://prayerfoundation.org/mother_teresa_do_it_anyway.htm
Adult Response:
Give everybody a piece of spring blossom. Tell everyone that the blossom is a sign of spring, new life and new growth. In the silence, encourage people to think of a broken relationship in their lives and encourage them to ask God to show them how to repair it.
Adult Response:
Give everyone a small piece of self hardening modelling clay (1cm cube is big enough for this) and
1. Ask people to mould their feelings about someone they disagree with in their faith community.
2. Ask them to mould the clay back into a ball
3. Ask them to mould the clay into a symbol of Jesus' love for them.
4. Encourage them to take home their symbol as an example of relationship.

Poem and prayer: wherever two.
Found in Dad and Daughter by Ron Gordon and Jennie Gordon, 2012, ISBN 9780646586601, page 52 (pictured at right). These are based on the gospel reading.
Found in The Abingdon Creative Preaching Annual by Jenee Woodard (Ed.), Abingdon Press, Nashville, 2013, page 188ff (pictured at left).
Found in Multi-Sensory Together by Ian Birkinshaw, Scripture Union,2005, ISBN 1844271641, page 7 (pictured at right). Based on the Exodus reading.
Found in Life on the Road by Athol Gill, Herald Press, 1992, page 137. This is based on the Gospel reading.