A newer 2022 version of this post is now available with heaps more resources - see my archive at left.
Bible Readings: Acts 16:9-15, Psalm 67, Revelation 21:10, 22 - 22:5, John 14:23-29 or John 5:1-9. About the images: Left:
This is my image taken on the Gordon River, a world heritage area on
the west coat of Tasmania - the beautiful island state south of mainland
Australia. If you want to know more about this area please visit
http://www.discovertasmania.com/activities__and__attractions/wilderness_areas/tasmanias_world_heritage_area Right: This
is my image also. Note how the two small boys on the ride - one in the
middle, one near the back - both instinctively lean into their fathers
for protection and/or comfort. Please feel free to use both these images for worship and related activities. Listening Song: Psalm 67 By Sons of Korah on their album, Resurrection (pictured at right).
Listening Song: Song of David (Psalm67) By Maire Brennan on her album, Perfect Time (pictured at left).
Listening Song: Breathe By Sixpence None the Richer on their album, The Best of Sixpence None the Richer (pictured at right).
Film Clip: Shawshank Redemption (pictured at left) The
scene where Red first meets Andy in the prison yard and in a voice over
tells us that Andy seems to have a an invisible coat (or peace?) which
enables him to withstand the rigours of prison life. At about the 28
minute mark depending on whether you are using a DVD or video.
Questions on the Film Clip: How can we be like Andy? How is or can God be an invisible coat for us?
Drama: Do You PromiseFound in Mega Drama 5 by Verena Johnson (Ed), Open Book, 2002, ISBN 0859109194, page 52 (pictured at right). This drama is based on the John 14 reading.
Illustration: The Holy SpiritFound in Living Stones: The All Age Resource for the Common Worship Lectionary Year C
by Susan Sayers, Kevin Mayhew Ltd, 2000, ISBN 1840030097, page 110
(pictured at left). This all-age talk is a great reflection
on the Acts reading. Story: The Holy SpiritFound in Your Point Being?
by Graham H. Twelftree, Monarch Books, 2003, ISBN 1854245929, story
No. 134 . This story goes well with the
Acts reading. Story: ObedienceStory 463 in 750 Engaging Illustrations for Preachers, Teachers and Writers
by Craig Brian Larson and Leadership Journal, Baker Books, 2002, ISBN
0801091551. This story goes very well
with the John 14 reading.
Response Activity: The Holy Spirit Display
a list of words and phrases which describe the Holy Spirit (based on
the John 14 reading). Ask people to select the one that they think is
most useful to them right now and then talk about it with a neighbour.
Response Activity: Preparing For Worship I
know this sounds like a bit of a contradiction but I think this little
exercise, although well suited to the start of worship, also could
introduce a time of contemplation in response to the John 14 reading or
sermon or whatever. Found inMulti-Sensory Prayer by Sue Wallace, Scripture Union, 2001, ISBN 1859994652, page 55.
A newer 2022 version of this post is now available with heaps more resources - see my archive at left
Bible Readings: Acts 9:1-20, Psalm 30, Revelation 5:11-14, John 21:1-19. About the Images: Left:
This is my photo of our middle eastern bread cooking at our Easter dawn
service when we re-enacted the brekky Jesus cooked for his disciples on
the beach. Right:
The Australian church still likes to meet around an open fire from time
to time. This is a Uniting Church Presbytery area meeting at
Wulgulmerang in Far East Gippsland. Both photos are mine and can be used for worship and related activities.
Listening Song:Hands of God By Rex Carroll on his album, The Rex Carroll Sessions (pictured at left). Kid's Time: Believing is Seeing Found in Object Lessons
by Edward C. Grube, CPH St Louis, 1994, ISBN 0570046483, page 60
(pictured at right). This goes well with the Acts reading.
Monologue: Peter I've made some big mistakes in my time! ........ but nothing like the ones I made on the night when Jesus was arrested. It all started to go wrong when the soldiers came to arrest him. I couldn't believe it was happening! I jumped in like a real life rambo
and took a swipe at one of the arresting soldiers - but I only managed
to remove his ear and before I could have another go, Jesus reached out
and healed him. I was astounded. And as the crowd started to snigger,
I felt big and stupid and clumsy. So I stood and watched them lead him
away as it hit me that after three years I still didn't really
understand what he was on about. But I couldn't abandon him. I followed the soldiers at a distance till they reached a courtyard. I tried my best to blend in but it was difficult. They all recognised me. The servant girl. The gatekeeper. And
a big bloke who was a relative of the soldier whose ear I had removed!
He recognised me in a flash!! And if they didn't recognise my face then
my Galilean accent gave me away. They were all having a go at me -
trying to make me admit I was one of his friends. But I couldn't do it. Three times I denied that I even knew him! I was so scared of what they would do to me. I caved in like a house of cards.
But that's not the worst of it. Jesus knew what I was doing! As the soldiers led him away he looked straight at me, our eyes locked through an open doorway.... and I could tell. He knew all right. And ....and there was nothing I could do! And I remember his words telling me I would do this awful thing. I felt ill just thinking about it. I ran outside and cried like a baby. It was as if my heart was breaking. In a matter of minutes, my whole world was in shatters.
After he was crucified, strange things happened. I was one of the first to see his empty tomb. He appeared to us all one Sunday when we met together in secret. But for me, life became even more difficult as the dark cloud of my denial of him spoilt any of the joy. It was as if there was a wall between us - a wall which I had built - which I didn't know how to remove. I was dying to speak to him but it was also the thing I dreaded most.
So I went back to my boats and the fishing. What else could I do? I didn't have the heart for it any more but it kept my hands busy. I conned a few of the others into fishing with me. And one morning as we returned home, there was Jesus - on the beach. I was so intent on speaking to him that I couldn't wait for the boat - instead I dived straight in and swam to shore. But I was tongue- tied. I couldn't say all the things that were on my heart. Instead I ran around doing everything he asked with all the enthusiasm I possessed. And my business and eagerness hid the wall between us - but could not break it down.
Discussion Questions: 1. Can you relate to the way the disciples felt after Jesus' death and resurrection? 2.What do you do when life is tough? 3. Have you ever given up on God or thought about giving up on God? 4. How does God call us back?
Story: The Cliff Found in Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks
by Wayne Rice, Youth Specialities, 1994, ISBN 0310402611, page 60
(pictured at left). This story is about trusting God.
Story: Jump Found in More Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks
by Wayne Rice, Zondervan, 1995, ISBN 0310207681, page 98 (pictured at right). This story is about trusting God and fits well with
the Acts reading. Poem: Come Share a Damper With Me Found in A Bloke Called Jesus
by Norman Habel and Pro Hart, Rigby, 1982, ISBN 0727017586, page 46
(pictured at left). As the title suggests, this goes with the gospel
reading. Response Activity:Choose
two (or one or three or four depending on the time you have - each
station takes about five minutes) of the following stations. Ask: What do you need? Who are you like? Are you like .......: Station 1. Paul and his need for a new direction: Think about how God has grabbed your attention in the past. Think about your current directions. Are you travelling in the direction God wants you to go? As
you think about these questions fill in the picture (as artistically or
as unartistically as you want to) and mark the top pointer with the
direction you think God is calling you and the bottom three with the
directions you sometimes would rather go. Pray as you work.
Station 2. Ananias and his need for courage: Read together the CS Lewis quote from Mere Christianity found in Imaging the Word Volume 1 by Kenneth T Lawrence (ed.), United Church Press, 1994, ISBN 0829809716, page 195 (pictured in an earlier blog). Discuss: Who has ever played the role of Ananias for you? What do you do when it looks like God is going to ask you to do something really hard? Has it ever seemed so hard that you walked away from Jesus or thought about doing so? How does Jesus call us back?
Station 3.The disciples and their need for a new perspective: Smell Trail Script 9 found in Multi-Sensory Scripture by Sue Wallace, Scripture Union, 2005, ISBN 1844271668, page 67
Station 4. Peter and his need for forgiveness:
Find a quiet place and become aware of the gentle rhythm of your breathing. Read Not...Do You Promise to be Good
prayer slowly – as many times as will fit in the time you have. Leave a
space between each reading to sit and listen to what God is saying to
you. This prayer can be found in Found in Present on Earth by The Wild Goose Worship Group, Wild Goose Publications, 20028, ISBN 0901557642, page 199 (pictured in an earlier blog)
Also: Listening Song:Garments of Joy By Songs of Korah on their Shelter album, Wordsong Artists, Belmont, Victoria, 2002. This song uses the words of Psalm 30.
Kid's Story: Paul Believes in Jesus (or The Man who Changed His Name) by Loyal Kobrek and Don Kuecker, Arch Books, St Loius, Missouri, 1972 or 1987, ISBN 0570060664 or 0570090083 (depending on the edition you can get hold of). This is one of those tried and tested books which appeals to each generation of kids.
Poem: Breakfast Also a great prayer and collect based on the gospel reading included on the same page. Found in Dad and Daughter by Ron Gordon and Jennie Gordon, 2012, ISBN 9780646586601, page 152. To order a copy of this excellent book email jennie.gordon@billanook.vic.edu.au