Monday, March 28, 2022

Easter Day Dawn Service C (April 17):



Readings: Acts 10:34-43 or Isaiah 65:17-25, Psalm 118, 1 Corinthians 15:19-26, John 20:1-18 or Luke 24:1-12

About the Images:
Upper Left: Buds shoot from the bark (epicormic shoots) of a eucalyptus (more commonly known as gum) tree devastated and defoliated by bush fires in the Australian High country. This is my photo so please feel free to use it for worship and related activities.
Upper Right: The beach at dawn in Paynesville where the Mitchell River Parish hold their dawn service. For more info on this area visit This is my photo so please feel free to use it for worship and related activities.
Middle Left: This is an image of a replica of Jesus' tomb in found in the Garden Tomb complex in Jerusalem.  This is my photo so please feel free to use it for worship and related activities.

Middle Right: This image comes from the awesome Church Galleries website.  This site is closed at present.
Lower Left:  If you live in the city and want to do a dawn service, find a nearby park with a pond or a lake. This is my photo so please feel free to use it for worship and related activities
Lower Right:  This is an Image bank free clipart.  This site has closed down.

Have this service near a lake or beach if possible - if you live inland, then choose a high point - if you live inland on a plain then find a nice river - if you live inland on a plain in a desert (most of Australia) then you will have plenty of beautiful places to choose from.

Call to Worship or.....:When The Inevitable is no Longer Sure
Found at These words could be used in all sorts of ways. This site can also be found in my links (above left) and is well worth a look. Cheryl Lawrie regularly blogs and her writing is excellent, relevant and creative.

Easter candle:
Have a camp fire or a fire pot instead.

Prayer: Jesus We Greet You
Found in Stages on the Way by The Wild Goose Worship Group, Wild Goose Publications, 1998, ISBN 1876357363, page 188 (pictured at left)

Prayer: Lord God, Early in the Morning
Found in Stages on the Way as above, page 184 (pictured at left)

Meditation: I Have Seen Jesus

Found in Mucky Paws Volume 4 or in the April 2007 Mucky Paws archives (see my link above left - Roddy Hamilton writes excellent stuff)

Meditation: Prayers That Jesus Hears
Found in Present on Earth by The Wild Goose Worship Group, Wild Goose Publications, 20028, ISBN 0901557642, page 95 (pictured at right)

Response Activity 
Cook fish and middle eastern bread over an open fire or on a plough disc. A great pita bread recipe can be found at

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Good Friday C (April 15)


Bible Readings: Isaiah 52: 13-53:12, Psalm 22, Hebrews 10:16-25 or Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:7-9; John 18:1-19:42

About the images:
Upper Left: This images is one of a set put out by Image Bank (see my links at left); an excellent free site.
Upper Right: This image comes from This site no longer updates (you will see the sad reason why when you visit) however the artist, Don da Silva, has left a legacy of wonderful images and templates via the site archives. 
Middle Left and Right: These are a free Heartlight images - see my links column at left.
Lower Left: This is a Cerezo Barredo free image - see my link column at left.
Lower Right: This is an free Hermano Leon image - see my link column at left. I really like a crucifixion image which has a hint of the resurrection in it.

Bible Readings: John 18 and 19 
This service needs to be a more sombre occasion than usual , not just because Jesus died - we celebrate his resurrection on Sunday when it is all said and done - but because of the immensity and the implications of what God has done for us through and in Jesus.
ory Meditation: Now I Let Go 
Show about a dozen images depicting Jesus' life and ministry. You could use Now I Let Go by Moby on his album Songs (pictured at left) as backing music - you may have to play it through twice because the track is quite short. An alternative track could be Barber's Adagio for Strings by William Orbit on Open Space 1.

A Note of Explanation:
I have listed the resources for Good Friday below under story/Scripture/station headings. Please don't use them all or you will be at church all day. One option is to use the symbolic actions as station activities if you don't mint people moving around from station to station. I would provide the readings on printouts and some visual media to go with each station if I was doing it that way. If people are seated I often use a tubular bell and/or a Taize sung response to divide the readings. 

1. John 18:1-14 The Arrest
Symbolic Action

Light a lantern or a candle 

2. John 18:19-23 The Questioning/The Trials
Symbolic Action
Place a crown of thorns on the cross

Poem: My Baby
Found in Clearing Away the Rubbish by Adrian Plass, Minstral, 1989, ISBN 1854240250, page 93 (pictured at right). If you are going to use all or part of this, read it over a few times first because it emotionally difficult to read. (I should have put the same warning on The Ragman story two weeks ago).

3. John 18:15-18, 25-27 The Denial.

Symbolic Action
Give everyone a feather

Poem: A Prayer at Burger King
By John Shea. Can't source this any further - I have a copy somebody gave me.

Story: The Death of Bishop Romero
Found in numerous books and on the web

4. John 18:28-40 Pilate
Story: Gerry Conlan
Found in A Hell of a Life by John Dickson, Matthias Media, 1997, ISBN 1875245626, page 85ff (pictured at left).

5: John 19:1-16 Death Sentence
Symbolic Action:
Throw a purple or black cloth over the cross.
Symbolic Action:
Pass around a bowl of horse shoe nail crosses and ask everyone to take one.
6. John 19:17-27 Crucifixion
Symbolic Action:
Give everyone two pieces of white ribbon, a pencil and two twigs. Ask people to write a prayer on the ribbons and use them to make the twigs into a cross. 

Reflection Idea: Three Crosses

Can't remember where this comes from but it goes like this: 
    Rebellion: the mocking thief 
    Repentance: the other thief 
    Rescue: Jesus 

Story: Freedom

Found in Your Point Being? by Graham H. Twelftree, Monarch Books, 2003, ISBN 1854245929, story no. 88 (pictured at right).

Story: Back to the Future
By Adrian Plass in Cabbages For The King, Fount, 1993, ISBN 0006276687, page 158 (pictured at left).

7. John 19:28-37 Death
Symbolic Action
Have the communion table set up before hand with a white cloth, bread and wine. Rip (and I mean rip!) the bread in half and knock over or pour out the wine on to the white cloth.

Symbolic Action:
This can be done here or for the burial. Pass around a shallow dish/es of salt water and ask people to trace a cross on their own cheek or on that of the person sitting next to them.

Symbolic Action:
Snuff out the candle

Prayer for Others: When Jesus Died
Found in Stages on the Way by The Wild Goose Worship Group, Wild Goose Publications, 1998, ISBN 1876357363, page 168 (pictured at right)

Poem: Jesus Dies on the Cross
By Michel Quoist in Prayers, Sheed and Ward, 1985, ISBN 0934134464.

8. John 19:38-42
Symbolic Action:
Hang the stained communion cloth over the black or purple cloth already hanging on the cross. Alternately, rip the white cloth in half.

Prayer: Lord Where Are You Now
Found in Stages on the Way, as above, page 166

Conclusion of the Service:
Play a piece of quiet music and encourage people to sit and think/pray and to leave when they are ready to. You could provide small blank cards for people to write or draw their response to Good Friday - encourage people to take these home with them. Suitable music: Albinoni's Adagio in G Minor, Pachabels Canon (pictured at right) - particularly the Cleo Laine/James Galway version because the words fit the mood exceptionally well.


A Chapter of Resources for Good Friday: 
By Ruth Burgess and Chris Polhill in Eggs and Ashes, Wild Goose Publications, 2004, page 165-206 (pictured at left). 

For Children and Families: God is Faithful
Found in Rewind by Beth Barnett, SUVictoria, 2011, ISBN987098710035, navigate from page 5 (pictured at right). This is based on the gospel reading. 

For Children and Families: God is Wise
Found in Rewind by Beth Barnett, SUVictoria, 2011, ISBN987098710035, navigate from page 5 (pictured at right). This is based on the gospel reading. 

For Children and Families: God is for Everyone
Found in Rewind by Beth Barnett, SUVictoria, 2011, ISBN987098710035, navigate from page 5 (pictured at right). This is based on the gospel reading. 

Beautiful Illustrations of John's Gospel  connected to the Australian Outback
Found in The Gospel According to John Illuminated by Fiona Pfennigwerth, Tien Wah Press, Singapore, 2013, ISBN 9780646912462, page 54-59 (pictured at left).

Poem and Painting: The Anguish of Judas
Found in A Bloke Called Jesus by Pro Hart and Norman Habel, Rigby, 1982, ISBN 0 7270 1758 6, page 30. These are based on the John reading. 

Poem and Painting: The Politics of Pilate
Found in A Bloke Called Jesus by Pro Hart and Norman Habel, Rigby, 1982, ISBN 0 7270 1758 6, page 34. These are based on the John reading. 

Poem and Painting: A Chant for Killing
Found in A Bloke Called Jesus by Pro Hart and Norman Habel, Rigby, 1982, ISBN 0 7270 1758 6, page 36. These are based on the John reading. 

Poem and Painting: She's Hot on the Hill
Found in A Bloke Called Jesus by Pro Hart and Norman Habel, Rigby, 1982, ISBN 0 7270 1758 6, page 38. These are based on the John reading. 

Poem and Painting: I am a Mother
Found in A Bloke Called Jesus by Pro Hart and Norman Habel, Rigby, 1982, ISBN 0 7270 1758 6, page 40. These are based on the John reading. 

Poem and Painting: The Lament of Nicodemus
Found in A Bloke Called Jesus by Pro Hart and Norman Habel, Rigby, 1982, ISBN 0 7270 1758 6, page 42. These are based on the John reading. 

Friday, March 18, 2022

Maundy Thursday ABC (April 14)



Bible Readings: Exodus 12:1-4, (5-10), 11-14, Psalm 116: 1-2, 12-19, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, John 13: 1-7, 31b-35 (these are the same readings as for Year A and Year C).

About the Images:
Upper Left and Right and Middle Left:  These three images come from the free Heartlight site.  See my link column at left. 
Middle RightThis is my image so you are free to use it for worship and related activities.  It has been carved in olive wood by a craftsman in Bethlehem in Palestine.  If you would like one, please contact .  I love mine. It sits in my office where I can always see it to remind me of what real leadership is all about. 
Lower Left: This is a free image from the now defunct Imagebank site.
Lower Right: This image  comes from the free Hermano Leon site.  See my links column at left.

Introductory Activity:

Have a small laminated footwashing picture for each person to hold throughout the service and take home afterwards. some of the images above would work well or visit for a couple of great pencil sketches on this theme. Please abide by all copyright rules.

Response Activity:

This works well as a change from foot washing or when there are congregational members who have mobility difficulties. It also takes a while to do so have some meditative music playing in the background.  Pass a peeled onion around and talk about how raw onions leave a nasty reminder behind. As each person takes a turn to hold the onion ask them to think of a disappointment, a hurt or an action that they have suffered or caused.  Then pass a box of scented disposable towelettes around and ask each person to wash the hands of the person on their right. As they do so, ask them to pray for that person asking God to remove the pain or disappointment or hurt in that person's life. I am fairly sure this is my idea but lots of other people have had e a similar idea and there are numerous variations on this theme. 

Just to be a little different  at any time 

I sometimes use the Matthew readings which lead up to Jesus' arrest - so our concentration was  on the Last Supper rather than the foot washing.  We sat in a circle and remembered the foot washing story by serving each other communion poured from a communal jug/pitcher/bottle. We used a little more food than just the bread and reflected on betrayal and denial, grief and desertion and how each of these can be overcome by companionship and community. 


A Chapter of Resources for Maundy Thursday: 
By Ruth Burgess and Chris Polhill in Eggs and Ashes, Wild Goose Publications, 2004, page 154-163 (pictured at left). 

For Children and Families: God is for Everyone
Found in Rewind by Beth Barnett, SUVictoria, 2011, ISBN987098710035, navigate from page 5 (pictured at right) . This is based on the gospel reading. 

Drama: Love One another

Found in Mega Drama 1 by Verena Johnson (Ed.), Open Book, 2001, ISBN 0859109151v1, page 32 (pictured at left). This has been written for the gospel reading.