Monday, February 27, 2023

Lent 2 A (March 05): Watching Over Us/ Going Places


Bible Readings: 
Genesis 12:1-4a, Psalm 121, Romans 4:1-5, 13-17, John 3:1-17

About the Images:
Upper Left: 
This is a little bloke who looks as if he is well cared for in the safety department and who knows where he is going. Sort of like the Psalmist :) This is my photo so please feel free to use it in the context of worship.

Upper Right:
 This is a microsoft free clipart image with my text.
Middle Left: This is a free image from the excellent Church Galleries site (see my link column at left) - this site is not functioning at present..
Middle Right: This sculpture, found on Mt Nebo in Jordan, by Italian artist Giovanni Fantoni, symbolizes the bronze serpent created by Moses in the wilderness and the cross upon which Jesus was crucified (Numbers 21:4-9 and John 3:14). This is my image so please feel free to use it for worship and related activities.
Lower Left:  This is a free Heartlight image - see my link column at left. 
Lower Right: A free image from the now defunct Scripturepics site. 

Kid's Story:
Found in Picture Strip Bible by Felecity Henderson and Chris Saunderson, Scripture Union, 2001, ISBN 1859994970, page 10 (pictured at left). This obviously fits in with the Genesis reading.

Drama: Eternal Life And All That
Found in Lets Make Another Scene by Verena Johnson, Open Book, 1995, ISBN 0859107620, page 12 (pictured at right). This drama is based on verses from the gospel reading.
Story or Film Clip: Jim Elliot

The story of Jim Elliot and his four missionary colleagues has some great parallels with the readings. You can find the full story in the book Through the Gates of Splendour by Elisabeth Elliot, ISBN 185078034X, or on the film Beyond the Gates of Splendour (pictured at left).  

Story: Worry or Life
Found in When You Walk by Adrian Plass, The Bible Reading Fellowship, 1997, ISBN 0745935524, page 99 (pictured at right). This story is based on the gospel reading.

Story: Anxiety
You can find this story at Scroll right down to the end of the page to find this story which goes very nicely with the Psalm.

Quote: Alice in Wonderland
"Cheshire Puss", Alice began rather timidly, "Would you tell me please which way I ought to go from here?" "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat. "I don't much care where....," said Alice. "Then it doesn't matter which way you go", said the Cat.
From Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

Quote: Lewis Smedes
"God is there, ahead of time, before you get there, waiting, hands open, to hold you when you are sure you are sinking. You will feel his presence, feel his strength, feel the courage that comes from his support, if you just let him hold you. And when you do feel him, you will know that it will be all right with you at that moment, later, or any time....". By Lewis Smedes in How Can It Be Right When Everything Is All Wrong? and found in High Mountains, Deep Valleys edited by Rowland Croucher and Grace Tomlinson, Albatross, 1990, ISBN 086760090X, page 58. (pictured at left)

Poem/Meditation: The Love of God
This is a take on John 3:16 and I found two versions of it on the net:
1. Go to and scroll to the end of the page.

2. Go to and look in section III.

Adult Response:
Have a variety of art materials on hand as well as paper and pens. As a congregation, make a list of all the symbols found in the John reading eg., light, wind, bronze snake etc. Ask people to choose one symbol and group together with others who have chosen the same symbol. Ask each group to
1. Create a group representation of the symbol they have chosen , and
2. Write a prayer together which incorporates the symbol.
Some can compose while others create.


Poem and prayer: love saves.
Found in Dad and Daughter by Ron Gordon and Jennie Gordon, 2012, ISBN 9780646586601, page 21 (pictured at left).  These are based on the gospel reading.

Response Activity: Seeing the Face of God

Found in Bringing the Word To Life Together: Year A by Andrew Collis and Dorothy McRae-McMahon, Mediacom, Adelaide, 2010, ISBN 9780949656919, page 55ff (pictured at right). This is based on the Gospel reading and the old Testament reading.

Lots of Useful Stuff
Found in The Abingdon Creative Preaching Annual by Jenee Woodard (Ed.), Abingdon Press, Nashville, 2013, page 65ff (pictured at left).

Taize Service: A Great Help
Found in Worship Feast by Taize, Abingdon Press, 2004, page 44 (pictured at right). This is based on the Psalm reading.

Opening and Closing Responses for Lent
By Ruth Burgess and Chris Polhill in Eggs and Ashes, Wild Goose Publications, 2004, page 76-77 (pictured at left) - two to choose from. 

For Children and Families: God is Wise
Found in Rewind by Beth Barnett, SU Victoria, 2011, ISBN987098710035, navigate from page 5 (pictured at right). This is based on the gospel reading. 

Various Ideas: Creation - the Message of Love
Found in Multi-Sensory Message by Dave Maclure, Scripture Union, 2008, ISBN 9781844272730, page 7. Connected with the Genesis reading.

Drama: Gift of Love
Found in Mega Drama 1 by Verena Johnson (Ed.), Open Book, 2001, ISBN 0859109151v1, page 29. This has been written for the gospel reading.

Beautiful Illustrations of John's Gospel  connected to the Australian Outback
Found in The Gospel According to John Illuminated by Fiona Pfennigwerth, Tien Wah Press, Singapore, 2013, ISBN 9780646912462, page 9

Bible Study: Called to the Father
by Craig Mitchell in Water for the Journey, Desbooks, 2001. These Bible Studies were originally written for use in Lent Year A.  The intention was that the study groups would meet during the week before hearing the Bible passages read on the following Sunday.  In this way, these studies help people prepare for worship.  This particular study is based on the Genesis and the John readings.  

Psalm 121
Found in The Psalms: An Artist's Impression by Anneke Kaai and Eugene Peterson, Piquant, 1999, ISBN 0 9535757 0 5, page 38 -41. 

By Kathryn J Campbell and found in Before the Amen by Maren C Tirabassi and Maria I. Tirrabassi (Eds), Pilgrim Press, Cleveland, 2007, ISBN 978 0 8298 1750 8, page 58. Based on the John reading.

Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Lent 1 A (February 26): Created to walk with God/Temptations are not Crimes


Bible Readings: 
Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7, Psalm 32, Romans 5:12-19, Matthew 4:1-11.

About the Images:
Upper Left: This is a Microsoft free clipart image with my text.
Upper Right: This is my photo of the remains of the Trumpeting Place - where priests trumpeted the beginning and end of the Sabbath from the Second temple.  It is believed this is where Jesus' second temptation took place. Please feel free to use this image for worship and related activities.
Middle Left:  This is a free image from the Heartlight site.  See my link column at left.
Middle RightA free Microsoft clipart image with a line from the Susan Aston song You Move Me (see below) 
Lower Left: Mar Saba Monastry nestled in the Judean desert near Bethlehem.  This is my photo so please feel free to use it for worship and related activities. 
Lower Right: a free clipart from Cerezo Barredo - see my links column at left.

Listening Song: You Move Me
By Susan Ashton from her album, A Distant Call (pictured at left) or on the album, Nothing But Pop. This song goes well with all the readings - I used it with the Romans reading as a call to worship.

Kid's Story: Arabella
By Wendy Orr and Kim Gamble, Angus and Robertson, 1998, ISBN 0207199043 (pictured at right). When you have read the story discuss a few of these questions with the kids:
1.What did Matthew think was the most important thing in Grandpa's life before the storm and during the storm?
2. What did he think might happen if the Arabella was lost?
3. What did he discover was really the most important thing in Grandpa's life?
4. How is the story a bit like us and God?

Have different groups discuss just one of the three temptations (there are a million ways to divide a congregation up to do this) but use the same question for everyone:
What is the need/yearning/desire that is at the heart of this temptation?
Share findings after the discussion.

Clip: City Slickers
(pictured at left) Use the scene of the conversation following Phil's break down in front of his friends when confronting the drunken cow hands. This links in well with the Romans reading (see discussion questions following).

Discussion: City Slicker film clip
Billy Crystal's character tells Phil that his life is a clean slate, a 'do-over", but Phil questions our ability to do this. What do you think?

Bible reading: Romans 5:12-21
In this reading, Paul contrasts our relationship with God (exemplified by Adam) with what a difference Jesus makes to this relationship. To make it clearer I printed out the reading with the Adam (us) bits in plain type and the Jesus making a difference bits in bold type.

Story: Here Comes the Cat
Found in Illustrations, Stories and Quotes to Hang Your Message On by Jim Burns and Greg McKinnon, Gospel Light, 1997, ISBN 0830718834, page 61 (pictured at right). This story links in well with the Romans reading.

Story: The Face on the Puzzle
Found in More Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks by Wayne Rice, Zondervan, 1995, ISBN 0310207681, page 66 (pictured at left). This story links well with the Romans reading.

Adult Response: For the Gospel reading
Ask people to write down a temptation which distracts them from following Jesus. While appropriate music plays, ask people to lay what they have written at the foot of a cross as a representation that they will leave their temptation in Jesus' hands.

Adult Response: For Lent
I am not sure where this first option below comes from. If you know, please let me know so I can give credit where it is due. I gave people two options to choose from as follows:

1. Give everyone a small (two or three inches square) craft box. Give each person a sheet of paper with forty words which are linked to Lent and Easter, eg., truth, grace, love, courage etc. Ask them to cut out the forty words, shuffle them and put them in the box. Encourage them to take out one word a day and follow the instructions they have written onto the box. Lid instructions are as follows: Spend time praying, thinking about, reflecting on, writing down or drawing today's word and how it impinges on your relationship with God.

2. Print off the lectionary readings for Lent and Easter - one Sunday per A5 page. Underneath the readings print the following two questions: What is the Good News in these readings? What is the challenge for me, for my church and for me in my community, in these readings,? Leave the rest of the page blank for responses. Provide some A5 card, a hole punch and some ribbon and ask people to assemble a Lenten Journal. Encourage them to read through the weekly readings and work through the questions as they travel through Lent.


Opening and Closing Responses for Lent
By Ruth Burgess and Chris Polhill in Eggs and Ashes, Wild Goose Publications, 2004, page 74 (pictured at left). 

Drama: Fruit Pie
Found in Mega Drama 1 by Verena Johnson (Ed.), Open Book, 2001, ISBN 0859109151v1, page 49 (pictured at right). This has been written for the Genesis reading.
Meditation: On The Eighth Day
Found in He Was in the World by John L. Bell, Wild Goose Publications, 1995, ISBN 094798870X, page 58 (pictured at left)  and based on the Genesis reading.

Jesus the Light of the World
Found in Messy Church 2 by Lucy Moore, The Bible Reading Fellowship, 2008, ISBN 978 1 84101 602 3, page 100 (pictured at right). This activity is based on the Genesis reading. For a few reasons that sadden me, Messy Church activities are often moved out of regular church services into their own little niche service. 

Words for Lent: A Time to be Tempted
By Maria I. Tirrabassi and found in Before the Amen by Maren C Tirabassi and Maria I. Tirrabassi (Eds), Pilgrim Press, Cleveland, 2007, ISBN 978 0 8298 1750 8, page 51. Based on the Matthew reading.

Not By Bread Alone
Found in Australian Psalms by Bruce Prewer, Lutheran Publishing House, 1979, page 100 and based on the Matthew reading.   

Don't Test God
Found in Australian Psalms by Bruce Prewer, Lutheran Publishing House, 1979, page 104 and based on the Matthew reading. This book is an oldie but a goodie.    

Sunday, February 05, 2023

Transfiguration of Jesus A (February 19): Finding God


Bible Readings:
 Exodus 24:12-18, Psalm 2 or Psalm 99, 2 Peter 1:16-21, Matthew 17:1-9.

About the images:
Upper Left: I took this photo in the Australian high country at Danny's Lookout where it snows in winter.  Sometimes the light up there is really amazing and the mountains seem to glow. Please feel free to use this image for worship and related activities - for more information on the High Country visit:
Upper Right: This is also my photo with biblical text added. This photo is taken looking down Duck Arm (to where we live) on the Gippsland Lakes (for more info:  Please feel free to use this image for worship and related activities.
Middle Left: This is a free Heartlight image.  Please see my links column at left.
Middle Right: This a is a free image from the wonderful Church galleries site which is down at present - see my link column to the left - and quite useful seeing Ash Wednesday is only three days away.
Lower Left: This is a free clipart from Cerrezo Barredo - see my link column at left
Lower RightThis is a free Heartlight image.  Please see my links column at left.

Listening Song: Shine
By the Newsboys on their album, Going Public (pictured at left) or on WOW 1996. This song uses words from the gospel reading.

Listening Song: Jubilate
By Robert Prizeman on the album, Libera (pictured at right). I used this with the Adult Response below.

Kid's Story: Westlandia
Paul Fleischman (Author), Kevin Hawkes (Illustrator), Candlewick Press, ISBN 9780763600068 (pictured at left).

Share a time when you have experienced the presence of God?

Film Clip: The Work of Musalaha
Musalaha (Reconciliation) is an organisation in the Holy Land which brings together Christians, Jews and Muslims, Palestinians and Israelis.  They cut through the fear and disconnection and distraction of all that is going on in this divided Land and they talk and act out hope and love and dreams.  Their actions transfigure their world. Visit their site here at and watch some of their excellent videos. 

Story: The Job Applicant

Found in Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks by Wayne Rice, Youth Specialties Inc, 1994, ISBN 031040261, page 126 (pictured at left). This story is based on the Matthew reading.

Story: The Boy and the Circus
Found in Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks by Wayne Rice, Youth Specialties Inc, 1994, ISBN 031040261, page 56 (pictured at left). This story is based on the Matthew reading.

Adult Response:
Give everyone a pencil and a card with a mountain pictured on it.
Suggest: Let's think of ways we can "climb the mountain" and put ourselves in places where God can reveal His presence to us. Have a minute or so in silence. Play a piece of thinking music - Jubilate (above) works really well. Use the card to write a prayer, draw a picture, compose a poem or put down a resolution. Not sure where I got this idea from - let me know if it's not mine.

Poem and prayer: transfiguration.
Found in Dad and Daughter by Ron Gordon and Jennie Gordon, 2012, ISBN 9780646586601, page 18 (pictured at left).  These are based on the gospel reading.


Response Activity: Seeing the Face of God

Found in Bringing the Word To Life Together: Year A by Andrew Collis and Dorothy McRae-McMahon, Mediacom, Adelaide, 2010, ISBN 9780949656919, page 48ff (pictured at right). This is based on the Gospel reading and the Old Testament reading.

Lots of Useful Stuff
Found in The Abingdon Creative Preaching Annual by Jenee Woodard (Ed.), Abingdon Press, Nashville, 2013, page 53ff (pictured at left).

Drama: Transfiguration
Found in Mega Drama 1 by Verena Johnson (Ed.), Open Book, 2001, ISBN 0859109151v1, page 99 (pictured at right). This has been written for the gospel reading.

Drama for Ash Wednesday: If the Glove Fits....
Found in Mega Drama 1 by Verena Johnson (Ed.), Open Book, 2001, ISBN 0859109151v1, page 30 (pictured at right). This has been written for the 1 Corinthians reading.

Drama: Shining Clouds and Sweaty Palms
Found in Let's Make Another Scene 3 by Verena Johnson, Open Book, 1995, ISBN 0859107620, page 54 (pictured at left). This drama is based on the gospel reading. 

Drama: Told Not to Tell
Found in Present on Earth by Wild Goose Worship Group, Wild Goose Publications, 2002, ISBN 0 901557 64 2, page 57ff (pictured at right).  This is based on the Matthew reading.