Friday, August 24, 2007

Proper 17 C (September 2):Hospitality

NB: There is an updated 2022 blog for these readings with more resources.

Bible Readings: Jeremiah 2:4-13, Psalm 81:10-16, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14.
Theme: Hospitality

About the photo:
My daughter Kate and her friend Adrian from Singapore giving each other cross cultural cooking tips.

Listening Song: Come to the Table
by Michael Card on his album, Joy in the Journey, 1984.

Story: Take As Much As You Can
Index 1602 from Bible Illustrator for Windows Version 1.0d, Parsons Technology Inc., 1990

Story: Robert Coles meets Dorothy Day A great story which explains the gospel reading beautifully. Found in Dorothy Day: A Radical Devotion by Robert Coles, Addison-Wesley, 1987, ISBN-10: 0201079747

History: The Early Church in Rome
A story about the generosity of the early Roman church written by William Willimon and found in Pulpit Resources, July September, 2001, page 41.

Film Clip: Les Miserables
The clip at the very beginning of the film where the bishop invites Valjean in and treats him as an honoured guest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and every week, I find some inspiration in your suggestions. Since 've been lurking for months and rarely see any comments, I want you to know that I appreciate your work.

I'm also a lay pastor in the Presbyterian Church, USA. My little congregation is the oldest continuosly worshipping fellowship in Columbus, Ohio, USA. We celbrated our 200th anniversary last year. I know that isn't really very old (except in countries like mine and yours).

I am praying for the victims of the flood that is affecting your community. God is always faithful and will never desert your town.
