There is a 2023 version of this blog with lots more resources - see my archive at left
Bible readings: Acts 10:34-43 or Jeremiah 31:1-6,Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24, Colossians 3:1-4 or Acts 10:34-43, John 20:1-18 or Matthew 28:1-10
About the images:
Left: This is a photo of a tomb in Israel with a rolling stone door. This photo was taken by Mr John Nicholson and permission is given for it to be used for worship and other related activities.
Right: This is a photo of a replica of the inside of a rock tomb in Israel. This is my photo and permission is given for it to be used for worship and related activities.
Dawn Service:
Once again we will be cooking fish and middle eastern flat bread over an open fire beside the lake at some unearthly hour of the morning. But it is something that is too beautiful not to experience. And you don't need a lake or a beach - any bit of water will do :) See my notes for other years (2010 - http://seedstuff.blogspot.com/2010/03/easter-day-c-april-4-easter-dreaming.html and 2009 - http://seedstuff.blogspot.com/2009/04/easter-dawn-b-april-12.html ) plus....
em/Meditation: I'd had Enough
By Ruth Burgess in Dandelions and Thistles: Biblical Meditations from the Iona Community by Jan Sutch Pickard (ed.) Wild Goose Publications, 1999, ISBN 1901557146, page 79 (pictured at left). '
Taize Service: Breakfast With Jesus
Found in Worship Feast: 20 Great Services in the Spirit of Taize, Abingdon Press, 2004, page 28
Easter Service at a More Reasonable Hour:
Have the Good Friday cross totally wrapped in the brightest material you can find - strips of satiny stuff looks great. Have it covered in black material until an appropriate moment.
Connection with Good Friday
Show a few images of Good Friday with some down music (I used Endorphin by Burial from his album, Untrue), followed by a silence with no image at all and then show lots of images of the resurrection to a piece of upbeat or music that builds (I used Intermezzo from Karelia Suite by Sibelius but stopped it before it tapered off again).
Prayer: Jesus We Greet You
Found in Stages on the Way by Wild Goose Worship Group, Wild Goose, 1998, ISBN 1876357363, page 188. This prayer is based on the gospel reading.
Prayer: Here Are Your Disciples
Found in Stages on the Way by Wild Goose Worship Group, Wild Goose, 1998, ISBN 1876357363, page 198. This prayer is based on the gospel reading.
Kid's Story: Some Things Are Scary
By Florence Parry Heide (Author), Jules Feiffer (Illustrator), Candlewick, 2000, ISBN 0763612227 (oictured at left).
Drama: The Three Women
Found in Stages on the Way by Wild Goose Worship Group, Wild Goose, 1998, ISBN 1876357363, page 192. This drama is based on the gospel reading.
Drama: If Only
Found in Let's Make a Scene Too by Verena Johnson, Lutheran Publishing House, 1991, ISBN 085910608X, Page 58
Film Clip: Amistad
Show the scenes where Yamba looks through the bible and afterwards, on his way to court, notices all the cross symbols everywhere. These two scenes are amazingly powerful and full of Easter messages
Film Clip: The Amazing Advbentures of Mr Bean
Show The Exam (pictured at right).
Discussion on Mr Bean Volume 1.
1. How does doubt, confusion and fear affect Mr Bean?
2. How do they affect us in our Christian lives?
Listening Song: Libera
On Robert Prizeman's album of the same name.
Listening Song: He Reigns
By the Newsboys and found on their album, Adoration, Sparrow Records or on WOW 2004.
Poem: Psalm 118:22
Found in In Due Season by Herbert F Brokering, Augsburg Publishing, 1966 in the Summer section under Psalm 118:22.
Story: Imprisoned
The day Harry Houdini couldn't escape - find this story at http://dev.bible.org/netbible/illustration.php?topic=794
Story: Prison
In Man's Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl tells the story about some of his fellow prisoners in the Dachau Nazi prison Camp during World War II. They had been held captive so long that when they were released he said, “they walked out into the sunlight, blinked nervously and then silently walked back into the familiar darkness of the prisons, to which they had been accustomed for such a long time.”
Story: Prison Accidentley Opens Gate for 500
Found in Incredible Illustrations by Mikal Keefer, Group Publishing, 2004, ISBN 0764426141, page 62
Response Activity:Every Day is Easter
This is a great response written by Roddy Hamilton and found via his Mucky Paws site (see my links at left) archived under March 2008.
Response Activity: Resurrection Remembrances II
Found in Stages on the Way by Wild Goose Worship Group, Wild Goose, 1998, ISBN 1876357363, page 207. This activity is based on the gospel reading.
Response Activity:
Give everyone a balloon and string or streamers to wave at appropriate parts of the service and then to take home to be tied to their car aerials and/or to be fixed to their gateposts, letterboxes or front doors.
Multiple ideas: "I Have Seen the Lord"
Found in Multi-Sensory Seasons by Wendy Raynor and Annie Slade, Scripture Union, 2005, ISBN 1844271757, page 36.

1 comment:
Thanks for sharing tomb photographs!
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