Bible Readings: Isaiah 1:1, 10-20, Psalm 50:1-8, Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16, Luke 12:32-40
About the Images:
Upper Left: This is a free Microsoft clipart image which I have added my own text to.
Upper Right: This is my photo so please feel free to use it for worship and other related activities. The photo is taken at Metung ( on the Gippsland Lakes where my husband, Joe, in a previous job, had to sometimes work at the top of a boat's mast. He had to have heaps of faith in the men who raised his bosun's chair (the thing he is sitting on) and in the ropes they used - that nothing and nobody would let go :)
About the Images:
Upper Left: This is a free Microsoft clipart image which I have added my own text to.
Upper Right: This is my photo so please feel free to use it for worship and other related activities. The photo is taken at Metung ( on the Gippsland Lakes where my husband, Joe, in a previous job, had to sometimes work at the top of a boat's mast. He had to have heaps of faith in the men who raised his bosun's chair (the thing he is sitting on) and in the ropes they used - that nothing and nobody would let go :)
Middle Left: This is a free image from
Middle Right: This image comes from the awesome Church Galleries website - which is down at the moment.
Lower Left and Right: These are free images from the wonderful Heartlight site - see my link column at the left.
Lower Left and Right: These are free images from the wonderful Heartlight site - see my link column at the left.
Have a lit lantern on the communion table.
Listening Song: Treasure
By Iona on their album, Beyond These Shores (pictured at left). This song goes very well with the gospel reading.
By Iona on their album, Beyond These Shores (pictured at left). This song goes very well with the gospel reading.

Listening Song: God of Wonders
by Mac Powell and Cliff and Daniella Young on the album City on a Hill or WOW 2001 (pictured at right). This song goes well with Hebrews reading.
Confession: Scarlet and Snow
Found in Multi-Sensory Scripture by Sue Wallace, Scripture Union, 2005, ISBN 1844271668, page 9 and 36 (pictured at left). This fits in well with the gospel reading.
Found in Multi-Sensory Scripture by Sue Wallace, Scripture Union, 2005, ISBN 1844271668, page 9 and 36 (pictured at left). This fits in well with the gospel reading.
Kid's Object Lesson: What is faith?
Compare faith to a block of chocolate. Ask the kids whether chocolate is best kept in its wrapper or opened up and eaten. Faith has to be used - if you keep a block of chocolate in its wrapper you will never enjoy it or get any benefit from it......and we all know what a great benefit chocolate is to the human race:-)
Discussion: What Are Your Treasures?
Ask people to think of three things that they would take to a desert island providing there was plenty of food and shelter on the island already.
Ask them to tell the person next to them about at least one of the three things they would take.
Discussion: Faith
1. Define faith
2. How does your own faith make you feel connected to God?
3. Does faith equal success?
4. Is faith about the present or the future or both?
Psalm: No 50
I call this the "turning up isn't enough" psalm.
Compare faith to a block of chocolate. Ask the kids whether chocolate is best kept in its wrapper or opened up and eaten. Faith has to be used - if you keep a block of chocolate in its wrapper you will never enjoy it or get any benefit from it......and we all know what a great benefit chocolate is to the human race:-)
Discussion: What Are Your Treasures?
Ask people to think of three things that they would take to a desert island providing there was plenty of food and shelter on the island already.
Ask them to tell the person next to them about at least one of the three things they would take.
Discussion: Faith
1. Define faith
2. How does your own faith make you feel connected to God?
3. Does faith equal success?
4. Is faith about the present or the future or both?
Psalm: No 50
I call this the "turning up isn't enough" psalm.
(pictured at right) Jake is a rabbi and Brian is a priest. Brian defines faith to his congregation in an interesting clip about 12 minutes in from the start of the film.
Discussion: On the Keeping the Faith film clip
1. Faith is ....?
2. How does your faith make you feel connected to God?
3. Does faith equal success?
4. Is faith about the present or the future?
Ad Clip: Mosquito
Use the ad from X Box entitled Mosquito:
1. Faith is ....?
2. How does your faith make you feel connected to God?
3. Does faith equal success?
4. Is faith about the present or the future?
Ad Clip: Mosquito
Use the ad from X Box entitled Mosquito:
Discussion: On the Mosquito Ad film clip
1.What was the original purpose of the mosquito?
2.What distracted the mosquitos?
3. When it comes to our lives with God, what distracts us?
Drama: Coffee with Jesus
Have five people standing in a line facing the congregation.
They each in turn have a mobile phone conversation with Jesus starting off as follows:
"G'day Jesus, how are you? What's up?"
Then a pause (as if listening) to which they respond: "You want go out for a coffee? That would be great but...
Each of the first four have an excuse. No 1 is too busy keeping fit, No 2 is too busy with their study and/or career, No 3 is too busy with family/house/car etc and No 4 is too busy doing church stuff. When each of these four give their excuses keep it natural by letting them make up the dialogue as they go. As each one finishes their conversation, they look quite sad and turn around and face away from the congregation with their arms folded.
When No 5 has his/her conversation it starts off exactly the same way but this person accepts the invitation with delight and walks off happily.
Found in Mega Drama 6 by Verena Johnson (Ed.), Open Book, 2002, ISBN 0859109208, page 26 (pictured at left). This drama is based on the Hebrews reading.

Found in Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks by Wayne Rice, Youth Specialties, 1994, ISBN 0310402611, page 118 (pictured at right). This story is connected to the gospel reading.
Story: Seeing What Eyes Can't
Found in When God Whispers Your Name by Max Lucado, Word, 1996, ISBN 0849913241, page 97 (pictured at left). This story goes well with the Hebrews reading.
Story: Who Changed the Price Tags?Found in Illustrations, Stories and Quotes to Hang your Message On by Jim Burns and Greg McKinnon, Gospel Light, 1997, ISBN 0830718834, page 112 (pictured at right). This story goes well with the gospel reading.

Found in Rough Diamonds by Paul Burbridge, Monarch, 2001,
ISBN 185424518X, page 129 (pictured at left). This litany fits in well with the Hebrews reading.
Prayer For Others:
Provide a large piece of butcher's paper (if your congregation is large you may need a few),scissors, glue sticks and newspapers. Ask people to prayerfully cut out and glue on to the paper, the articles or pictures that they want to pray about. Pray together and then cut the sheets of paper up in to as many pieces as there are people. Give each person a piece to take home to use in their personal prayer time for the world.
Adult Response:
Light a candle (or use the lantern) and turn off all the lights. Make the point that even a small flame like this gives of energy, light and power - like faith. Ask people to shut their eyes, relax for a moment and listen to some meditative music. Project the following questions for people to consider:
1. What is your greatest treasure?
2. What have you invested your life in?
3. Will these things matter in the context of eternity?
4. What is God calling you to be passionate about?
Worship Resources: How Loudly do we have to Sing?
Found in Multi-Sensory World by Craig Borlase, Scripture Union/Tear Fund, 2008, ISBN 9781844272662, page 34. This goes with the Isaiah reading.
Brilliant Comments on the Gospel
Found in Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes by Kenneth E. Bailey, SPCK, 2008, ISBN 9780281059751, pages 365-378.
Poem: Moving On
Found in The Electric Bible by Peter Dainty, Kevin Mayhew Ltd, 2003, ISBN 1 84417 041 1, page 27. This poem is based on the Hebrews reading.
Poem: The Bank of Heaven
Found in The Electric Bible by Peter Dainty, Kevin Mayhew, 2003, ISBN 1844170411, page 114 and based on the Luke reading.
Found in The Electric Bible by Peter Dainty, Kevin Mayhew, 2003, ISBN 1844170411, page 114 and based on the Luke reading.
Poem: The Holy City
Found in The Electric Bible by Peter Dainty, Kevin Mayhew, 2003, ISBN 1844170411, page 115 and based on the Luke reading.
Found in The Electric Bible by Peter Dainty, Kevin Mayhew, 2003, ISBN 1844170411, page 115 and based on the Luke reading.
By Ann B Day and found in Before the Amen by Maren C Tirabassi and Maria I. Tirrabassi (Eds), Pilgrim Press, Cleveland, 2007, ISBN 978 0 8298 1750 8, page 214. Based on the Hebrews reading.
Poem and Comment:
Found in Disturbing Complacency by Lisa Bodenheim, Wild Goose Publications, 2007, ISBN 978 1 905010 37 0, found under Christmas Eve. This is a Christmas preparation book, but is very useful for other times of the year as well. This entry is based on the Luke reading.
Psalm 50: Judgement
Found in Australian Psalms by Bruce Prewer, Lutheran Publishing House, 1979, page 70. This book is an oldie but a goodie.
Found in From Advent to Emmaus by Jim Hayward, page 84 (pictured at right). This book is available in Print and Digital PDF versions, is based on Luke's gospel and is ideal for Lectionary Year C. For more information and/or to buy, visit the CMLA website -
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