About the Images:
Upper Left: I found this one at the excellent www.heartlight.org site. All their powerpoint pictures are free.
Upper Right: My photo, my sticks, my driveway, my daughter's feet. Please feel free to use the photo for worship and related activities.
Middle Left: This is a free Microsoft clipart image with my text - it goes well with the Colossians reading.
Middle Right: This image comes from the awesome Church Galleries website.
Lower Left and Right: Two more from the excellent www.heartlight.org site.
Bottom Left: A free clip art © 2000 by Father Richard Lonsdale
Drama: One day in the Temple
Found in Let's Make a Scene Too by Verena Johnson, Lutheran Publishing House, 1991, ISBN 085910608X, page 9 (pictured at left).
Found in Let's Make a Scene Too by Verena Johnson, Lutheran Publishing House, 1991, ISBN 085910608X, page 9 (pictured at left).
Drama: ...We Are a Family
Found in Let's Make a Scene Too by Verena Johnson, Lutheran Publishing House, 1991, ISBN 085910608X, page 31 (pictured at left) and based on the Colossians reading.
Kid's Discussion: Based on above drama
What is the thing you like doing best?
What new thing have you recently learnt to do?
Found in Let's Make a Scene Too by Verena Johnson, Lutheran Publishing House, 1991, ISBN 085910608X, page 31 (pictured at left) and based on the Colossians reading.
Kid's Discussion: Based on above drama
What is the thing you like doing best?
What new thing have you recently learnt to do?
Point: Because Jesus was a kid growing up and learning new things too, God knows what it is like to be a kid.
To share with your neighbour:
What is your earliest understanding or memory of God?
To think about in silence: How much has changed since that earliest memory?
To share with your neighbour:
What is your earliest understanding or memory of God?
To think about in silence: How much has changed since that earliest memory?

Story: Who Am I?
Found in The Youth Bible, Word Publishing, 1991, ISBN 0849909252, page 1006, (pictured at right). This story goes well with the gospel reading.
Story: What Do We Expect?
Can't source this story - think I found it in an email.....
Story: What Do We Expect?
Can't source this story - think I found it in an email.....
A ten year old girl went with a group of family and friends to see the Christmas lights at various locations in her town. At one church they stopped and got out to look at a beautiful nativity scene. "Isn't that beautiful?" said the little girl's grandmother. "Look at all the animals, Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus." "Yes, Grandma," replied the grand daughter. It's really nice. But there's one thing that bothers me. Isn't baby Jesus ever going to grow up....he's the same size he was last year!"
Poem: Coming of Age
By Bruce Prewer in Beyond Words, Joint Board of Christian Education, 1995, ISBN 1864070722
Poem: Coming of Age
By Bruce Prewer in Beyond Words, Joint Board of Christian Education, 1995, ISBN 1864070722
Response Activity: Transformation
Ask: How can we respond to God's call to be continually transformed?
The ask people to:
1. come out and light a candle as a symbol of their willingness to be transformed by God, to grow deeper and to continue on their faith journey this coming year,
2. light their candle from the Christ candle to show that this is a journey they make with Jesus beside them, and
3. place the candle with everyone's else's as a sign that this is a journey they make together.
This is another brilliant book by Andrew McDonough, Lost Sheep Resources, 2006 (pictured at left). This goes with the Colossians reading. The great thing about these books is that they only around $A8 and for a further few dollars (or instead of) you can buy on line the story in any format you need to project the pictures in church. There are also free activity sheets and for a cost activity books for both teachers and children. Visit www.lostsheep.com.au to check out all the excellent resources.
By Jim Burns and Robin Dugall in Worship Experiences, Gospel Light, 1999, ISBN, 0830724044, page 84 (pictured at right). This is based on the Colossians reading.
Found in Prayer: Heart of the Pilgrimage by Jenny Youngman, Upper Room Books, Nashville, 2007, ISBN 0835898369, page 68 (pictured at left). This is based on the Colossians reading.
Drama: Put On Love
Drama: Super Christian
Found in Mega Drama 6 by Verena Johnson (Ed.), Open Book, 2002, ISBN 0859109208, page 19 (pictured at right) . This drama goes well with the Colossians reading.

Found in Let's Make a Scene for..... by Verena Johnson, Open Book, 1998, ISBN 0859108937, page 37 (pictured at left). This goes well with the Colossians reading.
Found in Meditations from the Iona Community by Ian Reid, Wild Goose Publications, Trowbridge, 1998, ISBN 1901557022, page 80 9pictured at left). This goes well with the gospel reading.
Found in From Advent to Emmaus by Jim Hayward, page 22 (pictured at right). This book is available in Print and Digital PDF versions, is based on Luke's gospel and is ideal for Lectionary Year C. For more information and/or to buy, visit the CMLA website - cmla.org.au.
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