Monday, January 09, 2023

Epiphany 2 A (January 15): Following/Keeping our Feet upon the Rock

Bible Readings: Isaiah 49:1-7, Psalm 40:1-11, 1 Corinthians 1:1-9, John 1:29-42
About the Images:
Upper Left: My photo, my foot, my boot :-) ...feel free to use as you want. This image goes well with Psalm 40:2 and the Gospel reading.
Upper Right: This image comes from Heartlight - see my link to their site at left.
Middle Left: A homemade wordle.
Middle Right:  A free clipart from the wonderful Church Galleries site - not functioning at present. 
Lower Left: A free Heartlight image - see my link column at left.
Lower Right: Another spectacular liberation theology line drawing from Cerezo Barredo - see my link column at left

Listening Song: Dancing on the Wall
By Iona on their self-titled album (pictured at left). This song goes well with the gospel reading.

Listening Song: 40
By U2 on their album, War or on their album, Under a Blood Red Sky (pictured at left).
 This, of course, is a version of Psalm 40. It is pre-recorded on the War album and live on the other.

Listening Song: It's Alright (Send Me)
By Winans Phase2
 on their album We Got Next (pictured at left) or on WOW 2000. This goes well with the gospel reading.

Drama: For Me
By Pastor Keith Stiller and found in Drama Resources 2, Lutheran Publishing House, 1986, page 29 (pictured at right)This is a drama about discipleship.

Discussion Questions: Plenary, Group or with a Neighbour
1. What is the one thing you would need to know about them before you followed somebody?
2. Have you ever followed somebody (other than Jesus)?

3. What is it about Je
sus that made you want to follow him? (This would also make a good interview question for one or two (three or four?) members of your congregation - their answers could take the place of the sermon for the week - you would have to give them prior warning in order for this to work well).4. Define "disciple".

Story: The Journey Thus Far
By Athol Gill in his book Life on the Road, Herald Press, 1989, ISBN 0836135881, page 11 (pictured at right). This links in well with the gospel reading.

Story: Rigby
Index 1158 from Bible Illustrator for Windows Version 1.0d, Parsons Technology Inc., 1990 or find the story on-line at This story is based on the gospel reading.

Story: Uncompromising Determination
Found in Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks by Wayne Rice, Youth Specialties Inc, 1994, ISBN 031040261, page 214 (pictured at left). I matched this story with the Isaiah reading because it talks about how we are valued and how much we matter in a rather comic manner.

 Deny Self and Imitate Christ
Found in Of The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A'Kempis, Whitaker House, 1981, ISBN 0883680947, page 207 (pictured at right).


Drama: It Could Change Your Life

Found in Mega Drama 1 by Verena Johnson (Ed.), Open Book, 2001, ISBN 0859109151v1, page 43 (pictured at left). This has been written for the gospel reading.

Beautiful Illustrations of John's Gospel connected to the Australian  Outback
Found in The Gospel According to John Illuminated by Fiona Pfennigwerth, Tien Wah Press, Singapore, 2013, ISBN 9780646912462, page 4 (pictured at right)

Sermon ideas: Come and Meet the Messiah
Found in Life on the Road by Athol Gill, Herald Press, 1992, page 43 (pictured above right).  This is based on the Gospel reading. 

Meditation: Behold the Lamb of God
Found in He Was in the World by John L. Bell, Wild Goose Publications, 1995, ISBN 094798870X, page 71 (pictured at left) and based on the John reading.

Meditation: Behold the Lamb of God
Found in Present on Earth by Wild Goose Worship Group, Wild Goose Publications, 2002, ISBN 0 901557 64 2, page 21ff (pictured at right).  This is based on the John reading.

Reflection and Prayer:
By Norman Shanks and found in Going Home Another Way by Neil Paynter, Wild Goose Publications, 2008,pages 70ff and based on the John reading. 

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