About the images:
Upper Left: This is a free
image from www.wickamediacommons.com of the 1982 eruption of Galungung volcano in Indonesia with my text.
Upper Right: This is a free microsoft clipart image with text from the Bible.
Middle Left: This is St Paul's Anglican Cathedral in Melbourne seen from the top of the Eureka Tower. The words are from the Newsboys song below. This is my image so please feel free to use it for worship and related activities.
Middle Right: This is a free image from www.istockphoto.com with my text.
Lower Left and Right: These are free images from the now defunct Sundaygraphicx site - fortunately you can still visit.
A Covid19 at home service based on these resources:
Listening Song: He Reigns
By the Newsboys and found on their album, Adoration, Sparrow Records or on WOW 2004 (pictured at left).
Story: Fox
By Margaret Wild and Ron Brooks, Allen and Unwin, 2000, ISBN 1864484659 (pictured at right). This is a children's story but I used it as part of the sermon and followed it with a question for discussion:
What are the raging lions (I Peter) or manipulating foxes (this story) in our lives?
Film Clip: The World's Fastest Indian.
(pictured at left) Show the clip where he needs a push start to get his bike going on the beach.
Questions: The World's Fastest Indian.
2. What helps him get going?
3. What sort of things stop us from getting going?
Drama: They Can Find Their Own ChairsFound in Mega Drama 5 by Verena Johnson (Ed), Open Book, 2002, ISBN 0859109194, page 24 (pictured at right). This drama is based on the Acts reading and/or the Ascension day Luke reading.
Drama: It's Contagious
Found in Let's Make Another Scene 3 by Verena Johnson, Open Book Publishers, 1995, ISBN 0859107620, page 28 (pictured at left). This drama is based on the Acts reading.
Discussion: On the Acts story of the disciples left standing and staring at the sky
What sort of things are liable to immobilise us?
Story: Power To Spare
Found in Micro Messages by Rich Bundschuh and Tom Finlay, Gospel light, 1995, ISBN 0838715789, page 161 (pictured at right). This is based on the Acts reading.
Story: Assault on a Soda Machine
Found in Case Studies, Talk Sheets and Discussion Starters by Jim Burns and Mark Simone, Gospel Light, 1997, ISBN 0830718842, page 23 (pictured at left). This story fits well with the 1 Peter reading.
Poem: Gone
Found in In Due Season by Herbert F Brokering, Augsburg Publishing, 1966 (pictured at right) in the Autumn section and based on the Acts reading.
Prayers: Easter 7A
Found in Imaging the Word Volume 2 by Susan A. Blain Sharon Iverson Glouwens, Catherine O'Callaghan, Grant Spradling (Eds.), United Church Press, 1995, ISBN 0829810331, page 204-207 (pictured at left). These prayers go well with the 1 Peter reading.
Poem and Prayer: the hour
Found in Dad and Daughter by Ron Gordon and Jennie Gordon, 2012, ISBN 9780646586601, page 34 (pictured at right).These are based on the gospel reading.
Response Activity: And all this is eternal life
Found in Bringing the Word To Life Together: Year A by Andrew Collis and Dorothy McRae-McMahon, Mediacom, Adelaide, 2010, ISBN 9780949656919, page 90-91 (pictured at left) . This is based on the Gospel reading .
By Ruth Burgess in Fire and Bread, Wild Goose Publications, 2006, ISBN 9781905010301, page 123 (pictured at right).
Various Ideas: Training Manual for Messengers
Found in Multi-Sensory Message by Dave Maclure, Scripture Union, 2008, ISBN 9781844272730, page 24. Connected with the Matthew reading.
Drama: Standing Firm
Found in Mega Drama 1 by Verena Johnson (Ed.), Open Book Publishers, 2001, ISBN 0859109151, page 52. This drama is based on the 1 Peter reading.
Beautiful Illustrations of John's Gospel connected to the Australian Outback
Found in The Gospel According to John Illuminated by Fiona Pfennigwerth, Tien Wah Press, Singapore, 2013, ISBN 9780646912462, page 52-53.
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