Sunday, September 24, 2023

Proper 21 A (October 1): Attitude/Under Construction/The God Who Comes to Us


Bible readings:
 Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 78, 1-4, 12-16, Philippians 2:1-13, Matthew 21:23-32 

About the Images:
Upper Left: This is the cross outside Bairnsdale Uniting church and either my image or that of Judy Williams. Either way please feel free to use it for worship and other related activities.
Upper Right: This is my image (of a Norfolk Island walking track) and my words. Please feel free to use it for worship and other related activities. 

Middle Left: This image, from Wikimedia commons, is a work of the U.S Air Force employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties.  As a work of the U.S Federal Government, the image is in the public domain.  The text is mine.
Middle Right: This slide is mine - however the image in the middle is Microsoft free clip art.
Lower Left:  This is a free clipart from the Hermano Leon site.  See my link column at left.  NB of late, this site seems to have been closed.  
Lower Right: Rock formations in the Holy Land which trap water within the layers.   

Listening Song: Talk About It
By Nicole C Mullins on her album, Talk About It (pictured at right). 

Kid's Story: The Two Sons
By Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen, found originally as an individual book, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1986, ISBN 0855790652; (pictured at left) and lately in Stories Jesus Told (pictured in an earlier post) by the above authors, Candle books, 2005, ISBN 101859855881.

Kid's Story: Yertle the Turtle
Found in Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories by Dr Seuss, Collins, 1950, ISBN 0001717588. (pictured at right). This fits well with the Philippians reading because it talks about the pitfalls of putting yourself first. 

Film Clip: The Day After Tomorrow
(pictured at left) Show the clip where Jack promises his son, Sam, that he will come for him no matter what.

Discussion: The Day After Tomorrow 
1.Why does Jack promise to come for Sam?

2. In what way do you think that God has come for us? See the Philippians reading.

Film Clip: The Remains of the Day
(pictured at right) Show the clip where Miss Kenton , after threatening that she will leave if the Jewish girls are dismissed, then decides to stay on regardless. This scene comes a little over an hour into the film.

Discussion: Remains of the Day
1. Why did Miss Kenton change her mind?
2. What do you think of Miss Kenton?

Quiz: Winners
ound in Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks Book 4 by Wayne Rice, Zondervan, 2001, ISBN 0310236193, page 148 (pictured at left). This quizzes people on who are the real winners in our memories and therefore goes well with the Philippians reading. 

Drama: In Their Shoes
Found in Mega Drama 2 by Verena Johnson (Ed.), Open Book, 2001, ISBN 085910916Xv2, page 98 (pictured at right). This drama is about Jesus coming to earth and what the angels think of this. It is based on the Philippians reading.

Drama: The Boy who Said Yes and then Didn't Go 
One person sits down and the other two stand one on each side of him/her with their hands on his/her shoulders. He looks from one to the other as they speak. Of the two standing, one has a sign which says “yes” (speaker 1) and the other has a sign that says “but didn’t go” (speaker 2) 
1. Poor Josh, he always being put down by someone. I think I’ll say g’day to him.
2. Uh oh, here comes Josh. Avoid him at all costs - he is so uncool
1. I’m going to pray for reconciliation between aboriginals and white people today.
2. Did you hear about the break in – bet it was the koori’s again. 
1. I always try to be polite to the adults at church.
2. I’m going to give my teachers hell today.
1. I always put ten percent of my income in the offering
2. 40 hour famine support? – nah, charity begins at home.
1. I am going to spend time with Mum this week.
2. If I walk just behind her when we go down the street nobody should guess that we are related. 
1. I pay for everything I buy.
2. It is so easy to slip through the checkout without paying for everything.
1. I am leading the prayer of thanksgiving in church.
2. but so many things really cheese me off … let me tell you about my present list of complaints.
1. I help with the little kids
2. Little kids are so easy to boss around.
1. I chatted with the elderly people at church during morning tea
2. Some of them are just so out of it – what a laugh.
Copyright 2002 Ann Scull and Rosemary Broadstock

Drama: A Tale of Two Boys
Found in Mega Drama 2 by Verena Johnson (editor), Open Book Publishers, 2001 ISBN 085910916X, page 54 (pictured above right).  Based on the Matthew reading. 

Story: Make Me Like Joe
Found in More Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks by Wayne Rice, Zondervan, 1995, ISBN 0310207681, page 114 (pictured at left). This story is about what it means to be an imitator of Christ.

Story: The Hermit's Gift 
Found in Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks by Wayne Rice, Youth Specialties Inc, 1994, ISBN 031040261, page 112 (pictured at right). This story illustrates the Philippian reading - about the effect that our regard for each other can have on other people. This is a generic story which is also found in many places on the web.

Response Activity:
Because part of the Philippians reading is probably an ancient creedal type hymn, this could be a good opportunity to encourage people to write their own creed or hymn. For those who are more hands on, have small pieces of clay available and encourage those people to model who they believe Jesus to be or how their faith can be expressed.

Response Activity:
Make a bridge with a plank of wood and some bricks over a river made of fabric. Give everybody two tea lights and a texta. Ask then to think of something they find difficult to say yes to God about and draw a symbol of that on the bottom of their tea light. The ask them to think of somebody who does not come up to their expectations as a Christian and draw a symbol representing them on the other tea light.  Encourage people to sit in the darkened worship space and talk to God about both themselves and the person who disappoints them. When they are ready invite them to thank God for the grace which God gives freely to everybody and then to come out and light both candles from the Christ candle and place them both on the bridge.


Worship Activity: On Your Knees
By Jim Burns and Robin Dugall in Worship Experiences, Gospel Light, 1999, ISBN, 0830724044, page 38 (pictured at left).  This is based on the Philippians reading.

Bible Study: Called to Serve
by Craig Mitchell in Water for the Journey, Desbooks, 2001 (pictured at right). These Bible Studies were originally written for use in Lent Year A.  The intention was that the study groups would meet during the week before hearing the Bible passages read on the following Sunday.  In this way, these studies help people prepare for worship.  This particular study is based on the Philippians reading and was for Passion Sunday. It would also be useful for today. 

Poem: Not Bread Alone
Found in The Electric Bible by Peter Dainty, Kevin Mayhew Ltd, 2003, ISBN 1 84417 041 1, page 42 (pictured at left).  This poem is based on the Exodus reading.  

Drama: A Lesson in Humility
Found in Let's Make A Scene Verena Johnson, Open Book Publishers, 1998, ISBN 0859108937, page 8 (pictured at left). This drama is based on the Philippians reading.

Useful Stuff: Showing True Humility
Found in Philippians: Sharing the Joy of Jesus by Groups Biblesense, Group, 2006, ISBN 0 7644 3225 7, page 28

Exercises with Crosses
Found in Making the Sign of the Cross: a creative resource for seasonal worship , retreats and quiet days by Janet Hodgson, Canterbury Press, 2010, pages 74-77 and based on the Philippians reading.

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