Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Proper 6 B (June 16): Looking on the inside


Bible Readings: 1 Samuel 15:34 -16:13 or Ezekiel 17:22-24, Psalm 20, 2 Corinthians 5:6-17, Mark 4:26-34

About the images:
Upper Left: A Norfolk Island lane just on sunset. I loved the way the light transformed the big old trees. It is my image so please feel free to use it for worship and related activities.
Upper Right: One of my powerpoint slides from worship - please feel free to use it for worship and related activities.
Middle  Left: A modern day Bethlehem shepherd. This is my image so please feel free to use it for worship and related activities.
Middle Right: The Allies song has a lovely line about how judging people on the outside is like sinking in sand. This is my image so please feel free to use it for worship and related activities.
Lower Left: This is a free image from the Heartlight site - see my link column at left.
Bottom Left: This free image comes from the  Misioneros Del Sagrado Corazón en el Perú.

Listening Song: Father of Lights
By Randy S
tonehill on his album, Thirst (pictured at right) .This song goes well with the gospel reading.

Listening Song: Looking on the Outside
By The Allies on their album, Shoulder to Shoulder 
(pictured at left).This song is based on 1 Samuel 16:7.

Listening song: Into You
By Jennifer Knapp on her Lay It Down album (pictured at right) or on WOW 2001.  This song goes well with the 1 Samuel reading.

Film Clip: Legally Blond 
There are lots of clips in this film (pictured at left) relating to the 1 Samuel reading and the 1 Corinthians reading in respect to judging people on the inside instead of by what we think we see.
Film Clip: Swing Vote
When Bud and Molly think that Child Services have come to check up on them, they try to appear as religious as possible. This scene links in well with the 1 Samuel reading and I downloaded the film clip from those brilliant blokes at www.wingclips.com 
(film cover pictured at right).

Film Clip Discussion: Swing Vote
1. Why do you think Bud and Molly think it will help to appear religious?
2. Are there times in our lives when we think it will help to appear religious?
3. What matters most?

Drama: The World V. Human Being
Found in Mega Drama 3, Open Book, 2002, ISBN 0859109178, page 14 (pictured at left). This goes well with the Corinthians reading.

Drama: Keeping Up Appearances
Man: Well, this suit looks OK on me. The tie – not to bright, not too sombre – just subtle enough to make me look the part. Think the whole outfit makes me look a bit thinner too – never a bad thing when you are making first impressions. This is an important meeting this afternoon. I’ve got to look the part.
Boy: I’m goin’t bust a gut if I do any more weights. But I just have to! At school last week, during gym class, everybody laughed at me when I stood next to Jack. He’s so big and muscular – and I’m so small and weedy.
Teenage girl: Oh no! More pimples!! I couldn’t look any uglier if I tried! The kids at school will call me crater face for sure. And these braces – they are so uncool.
Woman: I just hate having lunch with that woman. She’s perfect – clothes, makeup, hair, accessories, face – flawless! I feel big and fat and clumsy every time I’m near her.
Copyright: Ann Scull (please free to adapt and use).

Discussion Questions: Psalm 20
What promises do we find for us in this psalm?
What is its challenge?

Discussion Questions: 1 Samuel reading
What inner qualities do you hope people see shining out of you?

Interesting Thoughts: Seeing What Eyes Can't
Chapter 14 in When God Whispers Your Name by Max Lucado, Word, 1996, ISBN 0849913241 (pictured at right). This goes well with the psalm.

Joke: The Blind Date
Found in Hot Illustrations by Wayne Rice, Youth Specialties, 1994, ISBN 0310402611, page 38 (pictured at left). This works well if you get somebody else - o
ther than the preacher - to do it and matches in well with the 1 Samuel reading.

Story: The Life Boat
Found in Hot Illustrations (as above), page 137. Be careful how you use this one - it can be handled badly. It is based on the 1 Samuel reading.

Story: Broken 
Found in Your Point Being...? by Graham H Twelftree, Monarch Books, 2003, ISBN 1854245929, story No 25 (pictured at right). This goes well with the Corinthians reading.

Story: Appearance

Found in 750 Engaging Illustrations by Craig Brian Larson and Leadership Journal, Baker Books, 1993, ISBN 0801091551, Story No 20 (pictured at left). This is based on the 1 Samuel reading.

Meditation/Prayer: Upside Down Heaven
By Roddy Hamilton and found on his Mucky Paws blog (see link above left) for 16th June 2006This would present very well with some projected images and reflective music, however I have used it as a follow on to the response activity below. As people completed the activity they took a copy of the meditation and found a spot by themselves in our worship space where they could read it aloud - softly and to themselves and not "in sinc" with anybody else. With no other sound in the church but the whispering voices, it becomes quite beautiful and makes a sacred space.

Response Activity: Perfume (anointing)
Great idea linked with the Samuel reading found in Multi-Sensory Prayer by Sue Wallace, Scripture Union, 2001, ISBN 1859994652, page 55 (pictured at left). 

Litany of God's Chosen
By Anna Shirey and found in Before the Amen by Maren C Tirabassi and Maria I. Tirrabassi (Eds), Pilgrim Press, Cleveland, 2007, ISBN 978 0 8298 1750 8, page 104 (pictured at right). Based on the Samuel reading.


Confession: Mark 4:26-34
By Katherine J. Campbell and found in Before the Amen: Creative Resources for Worship by Marin C and Maria I Tirabassi (Eds), The Pilgrim Press, 2007, ISBN 9780829817508, page 103 (pictured above right).

Sermon Ideas and Worship Aids: Bigger Than We Can Imagine
Linked to the gospel reading, these can be found in The Abingdon Preaching Annual 2009 edited by David N Mosser, Abingdon Press, 2008, ISBN 9780687651955, page 261 ff.
Lectionary Commentary and Worship Aids
Linked to the gospel reading, the Corinthians reading and the psalm, these can be found in The Abingdon Preaching Annual 2009 edited by David N Mosser, Abingdon Press, 2008, ISBN 9780687651955, page 198 ff.

Meditation: Growth II
Found in Meditations from the Iona Community by Ian Reid, Wild Goose Publications, Trowbridge, 1998, ISBN 1901557022, page 65. This goes well with the Ezekiel reading.

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